Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Foxhack plays The Terminator for Sega CD - Part 6 of 12

We're in 1984! Now to find Sarah Connor...

Level 5

Just like in the movie, you get new clothes as well as a shotgun as soon as you make it to 1984 Los Angeles. At least you get them automatically and don't have to risk public nudity charges searching for clothes like in the movie.

Climb up the first building to power-up your gun. This allows for a faster fire rate, since you don't start with rapid fire when you travel through time. Oh, and you'll have to start stashing grenades all over again, since you won't be able to bring your grenades from the future with you.

There are a lot of goons here: pistol-packing punks with long red hair, knife tossing jerks, guys that throw Molotov cocktails, motorcyclists and even the police in their police cars all want you dead. Thankfully, the guys that you can shoot down are pretty easy to take care of, and you can easily avoid the indestructible police cars.

Since everyone here is a human, the enemies at this point in the game just collapse when they die as opposed to exploding.

Again, there are lifts that you can go up in with Up on the Control Pad.

Exploring the buildings is worth it, as there are power-ups for the taking, including a couple of extra lives.

Your first destination is to make it all the way to the bar as you search for Sarah Connor.

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