Friday, March 24, 2017

Foxhack plays The Terminator for Sega CD - Part 11 of 12

Now it's time for the final confrontation...

Level 10

After climbing those ladders at the beginning, you're probably wondering what to do next. Turns out you're supposed to shoot the machine at the left until the door blocking your path opens.

The conveyor belts are pretty self-explanatory, but they do their part in making the final level a lot harder, especially when you're trying to shoot the many turrets that can eat away at your health.

When you ride on the giant crane, jump when the humming sound it makes gets higher. This higher hum sound is made before the crane opens up and dumps you down, assuming you're standing on it when that happens. However, there is a better way to tell when you need to jump: look up at the lights. When the crane approaches one of the flashing, spinning lights, that's your cue to jump.

Also, those two enemies that don't spawn near one of the checkpoints until you double-back a couple of times are absolute bullcrap.

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