Sunday, October 26, 2014

Saxcat20 plays Back To The Future featuring aherr21 - Part 3 of 4

I hate the regular levels. Seriously, the music never changes and not much new stuff happens whenever you reach a new set of regular levels with a brand new color palette.

Also, we see the Enchantment Under The Sea dance, which is basically the high point of the first (and one of a few in the second) movie.

Rounds 9-12

The cracks in the road kill you automatically if you walk into them, so watch out.

Also, if you go up to the top at the end (which is signified by an intersection) and jump, you'll get points depending on how high off the ground you are.

Enchantment Under The Sea
Go Marty Go!

Get the notes to hit the guitar so you can collect them and raise the temperature on the thermometer to the right. Sharps are always on top, eighth notes are in the middle, and flats are at the bottom. Keep that in mind when the speed increases.

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