Wednesday, March 29, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time - Part 5 of 48

Well, at least this video isn't as long as the last few have been. Expect the video lengths to keep fluctuating, though.

Something's Fishy

You'll need to play as Murray to start this job.

When you get to the job marker, Murray will meet up with Bentley to do some fishing for the sushi house to get Rioichi back on track. In order to get to the fishing hole, however, Bentley will have to hack a computer terminal. When Bentley hacks into it, you'll get a brand new hacking mini-game: Alter Ego.

Alter Ego is a horizontal shmup-style mini-game where you move around in eight directions with the left stick and shoot in all directions with the right stick. It's another twin stick shooter, and one where you'll have to pay attention to quite a few things if you want to survive. Along the way, you'll be shooting down enemies that fly around and enemies that stick to surfaces to fire at you much like turrets. Thankfully, there are power-ups along the way.

The yellow stars will power up your guns when you pick five of them up. As you go from level to level, you'll upgrade your weaponry to be even faster and stronger, and you'll also be able to shoot things such as homing missiles at enemies. If you get hit by an enemy at any time, however, you'll go down one level. The maximum level you can reach is Level 10.

The blue stars act as logic bombs that can blow up anything nearby. To use one, you'll need to collect one first, then press R1 to detonate it. The logic bombs not only helps with all the purple slime walls that you have to shoot our of your way to get to power-ups and other things, but also against groups of enemies such as the one-eyed aliens that are flying around. These bombs are especially useful against any slime enemies that hang out on surfaces and snipe at you, as it can sometimes take a bit of effort to get rid of them.

The big red starts will immediately raise you one whole level, and you won't find them often. Grab them if you see them!

You'll also find health along the way, too, assuming you'll need it.

At the end, you'll face a big, flying one-eyed boss. Keep shooting at the eye, and when it closes, be ready to dodge and stay near a wall so that the green laser that comes out of the eye does not hit you. If you have any logic bombs, feel free to get in close when the boss is not attack and detonate them for big damage. Once you defeat the boss, the hacking mini-game is done. You'll be able to get in.

Once you're in the Sashimi Caverns, turn around to get a Sly Mask. After that, you'll need to follow the path and break things along the way for coins. At the next gate near the dragon statues, keep pressing Circle to get the gate open. Afterwards, you'll have to open another gate to get to the fishing hole much like you did last time. 

To get past the lightning bugs, you'll need to hit the glowing orange plant with Murray's normal attacks in order to attract the bugs to the flower and get them out of the way. Quickly make your way forwards, and watch out for the spikes before lifting another gate. Move quickly across the lily pads so that they do not sink when you are moving across them.

To hit the glowing yellow plant from a distance, you'll need to go up to the rock dropping machine nearby and press Circle to stomp, then throw the rock at the flower as normal. Hop on the spider web trampolines to ensure they do not break as you make your way to the fishing hole. If you need to, hit the nearby frogs for a few more coins.

At the fishing hole, Bentley with fish using his magnet. You'll need to use motion controls to move the magnet around, and when a fish is near, it will change color and the magnet will react. Keep moving the magnet so that it stays near the fish, and when the fish turns red, you'll get the prompt to press X to catch the fish. You'll have 90 seconds to catch eight fish, and if you know how to tilt the control well enough, you'll do just fine.

On the return trip, you'll have to take the basket full of fish with you. If you drop the fish, you will get sent back to the last checkpoint. If you need to grab something else, like a rock to throw at the glowing orange plant, find the cart and throw the bucket of fish to it so you can keep the fish safe. From there, you can stomp near the cart to get the fish back again. Watch out for the spikes and the gaps in the floor. At the end, throw the fish bucket into the cart to complete the job.

Spiked Sushi

At this point, you have two jobs to pick from: "Tiger Tail" with Bentley and "Spiked Sushi" with Rioichi. For this video, we'll be playing "Spiked Sushi."

The job marker will be near a doorway in a cave, and it is here that you will enter to start the next job: find a poisonous Spiky Wall Climber high up on the cave walls and get some samples to spike some sushi so that the guards will fall asleep when they eat it. 

At ground level, you'll meet the rat guards from the prologue again. Believe it or not, these guys have their own treasures if you can find any with shiny pockets and can pickpocket them (thankfully, Rioichi can pickpocket like Sly). Those treasures are the Tomato Juice Box, the Swiss Cheese and the Gas Grenade. You won't see the rat guards often, so pickpocket them for treasures when you get the opportunity.

For one of the two samples, you'll need to hit a glowing orange plant between two spike traps to attract the lightning bugs, then climb your way up to the Sticky Wall Climber, strike it and interact with it with Circle to extract the poison.

For the other poison plant seed, you'll have to take another path and climb your way up, then swing across some hooks as you go from platform to platform and use the Focus Jump to get to the other plant. Once you strike the plant, you'll have the other seed and you will complete the job.


Elbo El Drop'o Combo (Murray): Quickly press Square, then Triangle for a dashing punch.

Mega Charge Attack (Murray): A charge attack for Murray. Pretty much like Sly's charge attack. Hold Triangle, then release for a few dashing strikes.

El Drop'o (Murray): Press Square in mid-air to perform an elbow drop.


Sly Mask #8: After you enter the Sashimi Caverns in "Something's Fishy," turn around at the entrance for a Sly Mask.


Downgrade: Play through an entire "Alter Ego" hacking segment without powering up your weapons.


Left analog stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera
X: Jump and double jump (hold X on second jump for hover jets as Bentley)
Square: attack
  • interact (usually with anything that has sparkles) (Sly)
  • steal from enemies (from behind) (Sly, Bentley, any of Sly's ancestors)
  • knock enemies upwards (from behind; press Square to slam enemies down for stealth slam) (Sly)
  • spin attack (hold to charge) (Sly)
  • throw bombs (Bentley)
  • Thunder Flop (in mid-air) (Murray)
  • spin attack (hold to perform) (Murray)

L1: bomb aim (Bentley)
L2: equip costume (Sly)
  • hold for costume select menu (Sly)
    • hold down to stay in menu; use D-Pad or left stick to make selection
L3: activate compass
R1: run (hold while moving to perform)
- Paraglide (Sly; in air; must buy on ThiefNet)
R2: Focus Jump (Rioichi; hold and press X to perform Focus Jump when arrow appears while standing on spire)
R3: Binocucom
  • Right analog stick: move
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out
  • R1: take picture (when applicable) (Sly)

Start: pause menu
Select: map
  • Left analog stick: zoom in and out, switch between map and status
  • Right analog stick: move map
  • Circle: back

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