Wednesday, March 1, 2023

HalfBlindGamer plays The Battle of Olympus - Part 6 of 8

Now it's time to head to Phrygia, and of course, it's going to be a maze. If you can get through it, however, you'll make the fight with Hades a lot easier.

From the temple, leave, go through the cave on the right, then head left and down until you go to where you fought the Lamia. Use the Ocarina to call for the dolphin, and you can head to Phrygia.


Now for the last area we have yet to go to. This one is more of a maze than other areas.

As soon as you reach dry land, you'll face the Dark Pegasus. You can ignore it as it dives at you and shoots fireballs, but you can also hit the horn if you want to fight it with the Divine Sword.

From the Dark Pegasus, enter the opening to the right and go through. The Gargoyles will float about, and they will ram into you and hit you. You'll have to fight them, but you'll also need to watch out for pits and also watch for stairs that make it easier to fight them. Head all the way to the right and enter the doorway.

From here, head to the right and face the Drakon. The Drakon stays in place and spits fireballs at you, but you can hit them in the head from a distance with the Divine Sword. The Salamander Shield can block the fireballs. which you can jump over if you time it right. The purple snakes will move back and forth and lunge at you if close enough, but you can smack it with the sword if you can quickly move in for the kill. 

From the Drakon, go up the stairs and enter the doorway to the immediate left. Go up the stairs to the right, then head left, go up the stairs, then enter the doorway to the right. Go down the stairs to the right, then head left until you see stairs going up to find a fountain to refill your health with. From here, go back down the stairs and go all the way back, then go up the stairs to the left.

Go up the stairs to the right and enter the doorway, then take on the Drakon and head left. Go down the stairs at the end, then continue to the right and take the stairs leading down past the door. Jump to the left and enter the door, then go up the stairs to the right. Keep going up, then head right and go down the first stairway leading down that you see. Enter the doorway at the bottom of the stairs, then go up the stairs to the right.

Go up the stairs that you see and enter the doorway to find an old woman and some ambrosia. You'll increase your health one last time. From here, the old woman that the god of Tartarus, Hades, has a magical hat to hide himself from sight. However, moon rays will make his shadow visible in a river.

Head back down and go down the stairs past the Drakon, then head to the far left and enter the door there. Go up the stairs, then keep making your way up. Enter the doorway to the right to find the final temple and the final god: Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon. She will tell you that Hades conceals himself with a magic hat, but if you have a moon crystal, you can see him. Take the moon crystal; it summons the moon and casts a shadow of what is invisible. You now have almost all of the items in the game. Be sure to get a password from Artemis, too.

Leave the temple and make your way back down, then make the jump to the left at the bottom. Enter the opening that is all the way to the left and go through to get back to the beginning. From here, use the ocarina to call the dolphin and head back to Attica.


Back in Attica, head to the right, then go up and take the stairs leading up to the left. From there, head to the left and enter the cave to head to Arcadia.


Head two areas to the left, then go through the tree and head to Argolis.


Since we're here, we might as well head back to Hermes' temple and save the game.

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