Saturday, July 30, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays The Lone Ranger - Part 12 of 12

It's time. Today, we finally go face-to-face with Butch Cavendish and rescue the President.

Welcome to the final part of the game. Butch Cavendish's fortress is up ahead, and Butch has a steam locomotive trap he is waiting to catch you with. Head back to Abilene and stock up on bullets before continuing.

When you run into the guy in black who is in your way, you'll be in one more side-scrolling platforming section. Be ready to shoot diagonally to take out enemies on the way up. You'll have to head right, make your way down, head right, then make your way back up. The wooden bridges move up and down if you jump on them, so be sure to walk on them. There will be an awful lot of enemies here, so you'll need to pay attention to your surroundings and take them out while avoiding their bullets. Thankfully, once you make it to the exit, the guy in black will be gone. You can then head back to Abilene to heal up and stock up before heading to the fort.

In the next section, watch out for the guys on the cart. Stick to the west side of the fort at the start, then stay up to the north while watching out for the guys on the carts, who will shoot at you. When you can't go east anymore, head south. The next part is dead ahead. Enter the building, then goes down the stairs.

The next section is a first-person section. The enemy battles you will have here will have you twisted around a bit, so remember what direction you were facing last before you got into a gunfight. Equip the standard bullets, then go north and follow the path east. Take the turn, then keep heading south. Take the turn at the end, follow the path, and you should be out of there.

Get back to the silver bullets. Use the mine cart to mow down the enemies, then watch out for the red hot spikes on the floor as well as the areas of the floor where the floor sinks down. I usually do nothing but jump to the right as I fight enemies during this whole second section of the underground area.

Wait for the spears to rise up in the center and lower before continuing on. There are conveyor belts here, but it's easy to tell which direction they will push you in.

At the boilers, watch out for the falling plates and wait for them to go back up before continuing. As for the red parts on the floor, don't step on those. They hurt. When you go upstairs, wait for the jets of water to stop shooting out before continuing. At the set of doors at the end, take the middle door.

You'll then be in a top-down section. Make your way through the conveyor belts to the north, then keep heading in that general direction. Avoid the fire bars that spin around as you go, and take out the light blue guys for health whenever you can.

In the area with the gray floor, the bullets will bounce off the walls. You can use this to your advantage and take out enemies from blind corners, but the enemies can take advantage of this, too. 

In the next area, watch out for the fire jets, then make your way to the north. There will be two bosses with machine guns to the north. Make sure you have full health, and take out one guy at a time. Your best bet is to stand at an angle where the enemy can shoot at you, but at the same time, the bullets can't get to you. The bullets can track, but not that well. By taking out one guy and then the other, you will make this a little easier and a little faster to get through, but not by much. The bosses will need to reload, and you can use this opportunity to get some shots in. Once you beat these two guys, you'll be able to head further north, but you'll want to go back and forth between this area and the previous area and take out the TNT throwing guy for health. You're gonna need it!

Before heading to the final chamber, equip the TNT. Throw the TNT at the turret at the front of the train. If it lands right where the turret is, it will blow it up in one shot. From here, get up and forward while avoiding the spikes that shoot out of the train. When the spikes at the start of the train treads start shooting in and out, start jumping to the right. Butch Cavendish will be ahead behind a Gatling gun. Wail away at him with the silver bullets, and when the Gatling gun explodes, Butch will jump over you and shoot at you when you shoot at him. Use this to your advantage and get him to the front of the train, then shoot at him from a distance while avoiding his bullets. It can be a tough battle due to the multiple bullets Butch will shoot at you, but if you get Butch to the front of the train, it's much easier.

Once you beat Butch Cavendish, you'll rescue the President and the game is over. You've just beaten The Lone Ranger!

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