Saturday, July 16, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man III for Game Boy - Part 3 of 5

Hope you've enjoyed the game so far, because this is where the kid gloves come off.

Dr. Wily Stage 1

Beating the first four Robot Masters will give you access to the first Dr. Wily Stage.

As soon as you start this level, you'll have to deal with the dreaded disappearing platforms. Get the simple timing of these platforms down. The larger platforms will separate and dump you downwards if you don't jump off of them as soon as you get on.

Once you get past the three slightly difficult pits, you'll take on a large robot that looks similar to the cross-shaped robots that moved back and forth in the first Mega Man game for both NES and Game Boy. This guy will move across the walls, ceiling and floor, and can also make jumping motions at times. Avoid making contact with it as you attack it with Spark Shock.

Once you beat it, enter the teleporter. You'll face four more Robot Masters: Dive Man, Skull Man, Drill Man and Dust Man.

Dust Man

Yep, the Mettaurs are back. Some of these guys will pop out of their hard hats, jump at you and fire a three-way shot. Others just spin around and shoot forwards. Attack them when they're not hiding in their hard hats.

The robots that pop out of the pits are rather nasty. Hit them with a fully-charged Mega Buster shot as soon as you see them and quickly jump over the pit.

The shield robots that fly back and forth can only be attacked from behind.

The crusher robots will try to leap towards you, sometimes making a leap high enough for you to slide or move under them. If you can't get by one, plug away at it with Shadow Blades.

Be careful with the crushing ceilings. Use fully-charged Mega Buster shots to break the blocks that are in your path. You may have to fire and then move right to get rid of a few, then get away before you get crushed.

The gumball machine robots fire mortar shots that will go straight for your current location. Hit these things with both regular and charged Mega Buster shots.

For the pits with the low ceilings above them, make sure one of Mega Man's "front" or "right" foot is off the platform while the "back" or "left" foot in on it. That's when you jump forward.

You'll have to use Rush Coil to get past the spike pit that's five spikes wide. Leap towards the center, use Rush Coil and then move back to the right to get Rush to show up in the middle. You should then be able to make it to the other side. Use it one more time to reach the next ladder.

When you have the choice between the drop to the left and the drop to the right, pick the right path. There's far less enemies.

Dust Man will jump around. If he sucks you towards him, just keep moving away from him. Jump straight up when he fires his Dust Crusher. so the four breakaway shots don't hit you. Hit him with fully-charged Mega Buster shots when he's not using his vacuum.

Beating Dust Man gives you the Dust Crusher, which breaks into four diagonal shots when it hits an enemy. You'll also get Rush Jet, which lets you fly on top of Rush.

Skull Man

The cannons shoot balls that bounce off walls, floors and ceilings. Both the cannons and balls can be destroyed with fully-charged shots.

The Skull Joes are also easily dismantled with fully charged shots. Ditto for the bats, worms and flying cylinder robots.

The domed guns with the faces shoot at you much like the gumball machine robots.

The backgrounds starts flashing slowly at the end.

Equip the Dust Crusher and fire it at him. Avoid him and his firepower if you can. When he leaps into the air, he'll activate the Skull Barrier. Wait for it to disappear before hitting him with the Dust Crusher again.

Beating Skull Man gives you the Skull Barrier. It's a shield, much like Skull Man's version of the weapon.

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