Sunday, July 24, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays The Lone Ranger - Part 6 of 12

In this entry, we find out somebody has impersonated us while committing crimes. Now we have to clear our names if we want to go after Butch Cavendish.

Tonto will tell you that something feels wrong before you enter Silver City. When you enter, however, you will get arrested. Tonto will bail you out and tell you that someone is committing crimes while pretending to be you, and was last seen in Amarillo.

Once you're out of the town, go east to leave, as nobody here is going to help you, including the person running the gunshop. Head north and face the enemy on horseback. This time around, you'll be on horseback, but the controls are the same as the first-person corridor shooting segments we've played in earlier areas. Just remember to watch your bullet count and shoot the men, not the horses, as shooting the horses does nothing.

To the north is Amarillo. Head there, and you'll see some guy who looks just like you run to the right. To advance the plot, just leave the town. If you decide to stick around, however, keep in mind that while the doctor and gunshop owner to the east will help you, it will be reluctant, as they will double their prices due to their not trusting you. As for the townspeople, don't even bother talking to them; you'll get nothing out of it.

You can buy the long barreled pistols at this point in the game, assuming you have the money. Since I'm absolutely loaded, I buy it here when I could get it for $400 down the line. The reason? The added range is really going to be helpful, as your bullets will travel the whole length of the screen.

When you leave town, you'll see the imposter run away to the north to Brownsville. Tonto will tell you that it will be better to wait until you have the cover of nightfall on your side to sneak in there due to the large amount of wild gunmen lurking about.

When it becomes nightfall, everything becomes shades of blue, including your status bar at the bottom of the screen. You'll have to face not one but two men on horseback on the overworld map, but they shouldn't be too difficult. Once you beat them, you won't have to face them again. If you need to, go north and west to Brownsville. Heal up at the doctor, who will be immediately to the east of where you enter.

From here, go to the far north end of town and enter the big house. You'll want to be careful as you take everyone down on the way up to the top floor. At the top floor, advance carefully. Thankfully, you can refill a little of your health here.

You'll then start making your way down to the bottom floor. You'll find another enemy with a heart when you get all the way back down to entry level. When you enter the door, you'll face the imposter. Equip the silver bullets before heading to the right. The imposter will shoot three bullets in quick succession, but if you have a long barreled pistol, you'll be able to take him out a little more easily. Just watch those bullets and hide out close to where you came in if you need to. Six silver bullets will do him in. Once you beat the imposter, you'll be able to clear your name and move on, but not before the imposter tells you that Butch Cavendish has an outrageous plan and that he will get you.

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