Saturday, February 18, 2017

Chilean Retrogamer plays Wario Land 2 - Part 39 of 57

Another spear man?!? *sigh*

Chapter 3: Ruins at the Bottom of the sea

Story 2: Defeat the giant spear man

0:06 - Shortly after we start going down, we find a hidden coin room.

0:50 - We find another coin room here.

1:20 - Time to start going down again. We then drop down to another area.

1:37 - Going to the right takes you...

2:01 - The treasure room is halfway down this underwater shaft. Win it to get a scepter.

3:20 - After the treasure room, keep going down. You'll end up in another simple vertical shaft that takes you...

3:46 - This takes us back to the fork in the road that took us to the treasure room.

4:02 - Let's go left this time.

4:11 - More water...and more bubbles. Take your time here.

4:28 - This area will take you back to the start. Remember where that coin room was? Well, let's head back to the breakable blocks there and destroy those to go further down.

5:23 - Heading left at this fork takes you...

5:42 - Watch as Wario wakes the owl...then conveniently decides not to use it.

5:51 - After this, it's back to the start. Let's head back to that fork in the road...

6:10 - ...and go left again to get the rest of the coins. That's what I thought, Wario.

6:21 - "I lied!"

6:45 - After heading back to the start and making it back to that fork yet again, Wario finally goes right.

6:54 - After taking out some enemies, we find a door that leads...

7:17 - Gee, Nintendo, you couldn't make this any easier?

7:41 - Another picture piece.

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