Saturday, February 4, 2017

Chilean Retrogamer plays Wario Land 2 - Part 13 of 57

Well, we've gotten deeper into the forest, now it's time to go through a maze!

Chapter 3: Maze Woods

Story 3: Through the thorny maze!!

0:04 - Here's your solution for the first screen.

0:39 - Here's the second screen. We'll find a door that takes us...

1:04 - here. We then go...

1:36 - this area. Slide down the slope and take the middle route to reach the treasure room. The treasure here is a golden apple.[/url]

3:05 - Do yourself a favor and roll through this wall completely. The last of this hidden, breakable tunnel is only narrow enough to crawl through.

3:47 - You'll have to take the top-most path to get some coins you wouldn't be able to reach otherwise. You'll have to slide down the slope so you roll, and then jump carefully to the top so you can break through the blocks there.

4:00 - After entering the door at the bottom, you get to meet the owl again. This time around, you cannot touch the walls in addition to the enemies...or else you're going to be hurting. Welcome to the thorny maze!

4:37 - The center gap leads to coins.

4:46 - Another owl maze. If you get hit here, it's back to the start with you. You may have to off-screen the owl platform to get the owl to reappear. Thankfully, this is the last part of the maze.

5:53 - Picture piece time!

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