Saturday, February 11, 2017

Chilean Retrogamer plays Wario Land 2 - Part 27 of 57

Now you've gone and done it! You've initiated an alternate storyline!

Chapter 2: Invade Wario Castle!

Story 1: To the castle!

Welp, Wario gets tossed out of his home. When he wakes up, he finds out Captain Syrup's goons have invaded! Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for an alternate storyline!

0:51 - This section is straightforward. Be sure to break through the enemy blocks to get some more coins.

1:17 - More coins...and more wasps.

1:38 - Don't get drunk, and make your way up to find some more doors to go through, like the one to the right that takes you...

2:06 - Explore this room before going any further for coins.

2:48 - Wario goes back.

3:08 - Wario takes the lower path to roll around for more coins. One of the blocks at the very top of this section contains a platinum coin.

4:30 - We finally break the enemy blocks on the top path. This leads to...

5:28 - ...the treasure room. If I din't know any better, the treasure here looks like a Dr. Mario pill.

6:22 - Wario goes back to where he left off on the top half. Once again, we have drunk penguins to contend with.

6:59 - You'll have to do the roll jumps here in order to make your way to the exit. There are also big coins at the bottom here.

7:49 - The picture piece puzzles are different here. The tiles continue to flip at 50 coins each until you give an answer.

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