Saturday, February 25, 2017

Chilean Retrogamer plays Wario Land 2 - Part 54 of 57

Capture a ghost? But what about Captain Syrup?

This will take two videos to do. The first one shows everything prior to the boss, while the second is just the boss battle and the fifth ending.

Final Chapter: Uncanny Mansion

Final Story: Capture the ghost!

0:07 - The upper corners at the start leads to some big coins.

0:32 - There are two doors to the right. The one on the platform has a switch inside that moves the blocks around yet again. Use the old stove up top to reach it.

0:54 - The door to the right of the switch room leads to a bunch of coins and enemy blocks. There are some big coins at the top.

2:19 - The door to the right of the entrance leads to nothing, so you might as well go back.

2:27 - Now that you've triggered the switch, you can reach the doors below. Go down the stairs and enter the door on the platform to trigger the switch again. Watch out for the snowman.

2:46 - The boss door is in plain view as soon as you enter the door to the right, but we're not using it until the next video. There are even more big coins at the bottom of this room.

5:08 - After a bunch of needless backtracking, the switch is triggered on the lower level, allowing for access to the lower left corner of the room.

5:17 - Get whatever coins you can, then tackle the old stove top over the pit at the top to get to the door on the lower left corner of the room.

6:29 - Another switch, which you'll need to trigger to continue. Do that.

6:46 - From there, you can use the stove top to access the upper left corner, which takes you to the last treasure room of the game. Here, you'll win a skull. It's now time to head to the boss room.

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