Thursday, February 2, 2017

Chilean Retrogamer plays Wario Land 2 - Part 10 of 57

Oh, hey, it's that bird boss from the first game! Time to take him out again.

Chapter 2: SS Tea Cup

Story 5: Defeat Bobo!

0:21 - There's a 10 coin here, but you won't be able to reach it from either side by yourself. Use an enemy to get up there.

1:00 - Take care near the spikes so you don't get hit when they move up or down.

1:25 - There are tons of coins on both sides of the room, so don't get rid of the goon here before you explore both of them.

2:33 - Bump one of the helmeted guys to the side to knock them on their back, then pick them up and throw them right into the wall. On the other end is the treasure room, where you can win a scroll for your treasure trove.

3:33 - Don't go into the boss room just yet. Instead, go to the left wall and break it. You'll be able to go through the wall and find some more coins. Same thing with the wall to the right of the boss room door. You'll find another door that leads you...

3:54 -

4:05 - Hey, I remember this bird! He was in the first game, and he's none too thrilled to see Wario again. Jump on his head three times as he swoops down at you, and duck to avoid being knocked into the air by the updraft he creates. Sorry, Bobo, you're 0 for 2.

4:53 - First row complete!

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