Monday, June 6, 2016

angryponcho plays Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - Part 33 of 41

In this entry, Spyro plays with boobies. No, not those, you pervert. BIRDS.

Harbor Speedway

For this race, you'll definitely need to hit all the stars in order to get the lead and keep it. The best set of boost stars is the four that show up in quick succession, and if you can hit all four of them consecutively, you'll be able to get a huge boost in speed and a lot of ground covered in mere seconds. Also, you'd better be able to hit the birds with the rockets and get a clear shot before doing so, otherwise your rocket just might hit a wall while turning.

Hunter is in the lighthouse. Once again, you'll be dealing with a sheep saucers, and insteaf of shooting at it, you'll be chasing it. The saucer is damaged, and it will leave smoke rings as it flies, which Hunter will have to fly through to keep track of the saucer and get through this in one shot. The saucer is very fast (and crafty too), and Hunter takes up a good portion of the screen, making it feel like you're either closer to him or closer to the UFO. Either way, keep a good eye on the UFO and tightly follow the pattern that the sheep saucer flies in. This one will definitely take a couple of tries, but it's worth it in the end to see the saucer crash into the battleship. This is possibly the hardest Dragon Egg to get in the game, and quite possibly the hardest thing to do in a Spyro game since sneaking behind Agent Zero in the second game, but it can be done.

Haunted Tombs

Not only do you have to deal with getting through the catacombs, you also have to find the answer to this riddle: I am a vessel without hinges, lock our lid, yet, within my walls, a golden treasure is hid. What am I? (The answer is an egg.)

The sarcophagi shoot an endless supply of mummies with shepherd canes that are easy to defeat, but you can't break them somehow...yet.

The larger mummies look like Earthshapers wrapped in a whole roll of gauze, and they also throw bombs at you. They can get you from a really good distance, so be careful. Since you can't flame...or ram'll have to find a bomb that they've missed with(which looks like a red rock), put it in your mouth before it explodes and spit it at them to get rid of them. You can also use these rocks to break a mummy sarcophagus if you need to.

The blue Anubis dogs will charge after you, like the goats in Colossus from the second game. You'll have to ram them to destroy them.

Hit the floor switches to open the doors and explore the level.

Watch out for the rocks that fall from the ceiling. Watch the shadows whenever you're in a rock fall zone, as the rocks fall every few seconds and cover a small area.

Remember where the gems are with the hall full of falling rocks, as you can stand in those areas and not get hurt.

Answer the guy's riddle at the end (the answer is an egg), and you'll get the Dragon Egg.

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