Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Bomb Squad - as played by NecroVMX and as seen on VideoGameQuickClips

Yep, that game.

Well, by watching this game I can understand how to play it better...kinda.

First of all, you're going to need the Voice Synthesis Modulator in order to play this game, or you're going to be completely in the dark when it comes to what to do. Of course, if you've seen the first part of The Angry Video Game Nerd's "Double Vision" two-parter, this is a given.

You'll then get a series of symbols marking all the circuits of the bomb. Pick a circuit and be ready to defuse.

When you reach the bomb defusing screen, you'll be told which part to get rid of first, second and third...in no particular order. And if you forget? Wait a few seconds, and the game will tell you what to do next. Once you get it into your head what to do when, it's down to knowing what to use on which part of the bomb. The more you can remember for a longer amount of time, the easier this game can be.

You have wire cutters, clamps, a soldiering iron, and a fire extinguisher as your tools. You'll use the wire cutters to cut the connections.  Then, you'll have to get the clamps out, grab the part you cut out, drop it away from the bomb, replace it either with a big gray wire or an icon, and then weld it in place with the soldering iron. As you work, the game will tell you if you need to move your tool a little more in a certain direction or if you've used the wrong part. If you make a big mistake, the music gets faster and the timer's speed accelerates until you rectify the problem.

The part replacement is trial and error, as sometimes you may be able to get away with replacing it with an icon that looks like what you just removed. Other times, you'll have to use either a big gray wire, a part that looks like what you just removed or a completely different part of the same color. You'll have to know how to pull off what you need to do as quickly as possible in order to get through the game, especially on the harder difficulty settings.

Every once in a while, a part of the bomb will flash. You'll have to spray this part down with the fire extinguisher in order to keep it from catching fire and speeding up the countdown.

As you defuse parts of this massive bomb, some spots will be empty while others will be a green square. These green squares make up numbers, and you'll have to correctly guess the numbers in order to figure out the code and defuse the bomb once and for all.

As you're doing this, you have a time limit where you have only have so many minutes to figure out the code before the bomb blows up the entire city and the game ends. You'll have to figure out what to do and quickly in order to cut off the circuits, find the numbers, guess them correctly, and save the entire city from apocalypse. If you win, you'll get a parade in your honor that consists of a one-screen ending showing the city from far away as well as fireworks.

You can have between one to three digits for the code, and there are also three difficulty levels, so you actually have some replay value once you beat the game on the easiest setting just to see how high you can go. It's an interesting game as much as it is challenging, even for the technology at the time, and if you like those two adjectives to describe your games, this one just might be for you...just know what you're in for.

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