Wednesday, June 15, 2016

syxx573 beats RoboCop (NES) on one life - Part 1 of 2


In the future, Detroit is on the verge of economic collapse due to financial ruin and complete criminal activity. The mega-corporation known as Omni Consumer Products, or OCP, has entered into a contract to run the police force and finds robotic replacements for the human law enforcers.

The ED-209 was created, but it was all machine and had no feelings or appreciation for human life. This led to a cyborg division.

Alex Murphy, veteran Detroit cop, is transferred to a new precinct in Detroit, but during his first patrol in his new area, he is cornered and brutally murdered by Clarence Boddicker and his evil gang in a steel mill.

Alex Murphy's body was partially used for OCP's newest project...RoboCop. As RoboCop, Murphy was able to take down most of the crime in the city...but unbeknownst to RoboCop, not all in the city is as it seems...

Level 1
2nd Street/Nash Avenue

The first thing you'll notice beside the gameplay is the four pictures on the lower-right corner.

The first one, which is Robocop's face, is a weak wall sensor. When you're near a wall that can be punched, this picture will flash.

The second one, a fist, is a punching-only sensor. When this flashes, use only your punches on the enemy as the gun will not work.

The third one, a circle that looks like a radar screen, is enemy radar. The faster it flashes, the closer you are to an enemy. If it doesn't flash, there are no enemies around.

The fourth one, a rectangle with an E on it, is the low energy alarm. It will also come with a beeping noise in addition to the icon flashing in case you aren't paying attention to it.

For the lower-left, the T is your timer, while the P is your energy meter. Whatever you do, don't let either one go empty. The timer shows how much battery power Robocop has, while the P Meter is his life force.

To change weapons, pause the game and press Up or Down on the Control Pad.

You'll start out with both your fists and the Auto-9 pistol. The fists obviously don't go very far, but they'll take out anyone or anything on the ground in front of Robocop's face with ease. The Auto-9 is a pistol with infinite ammo, and while it's not the best gun in the game (you'll find others), it gets the job done sometimes.

The brown guys will try to punch you, while the purple guys will try to jump kick you. They can be easily taken out with your fists.

When the bikers jump towards you, punch them. It'll take them out in an instant.

Some of the purple guys will jump out of windows and try to kick you from above, but if you're ready for them and know where they pop out when, you'll be able to hit them on their way down.

Hit the dogs when they're right next to you in mid-air. They make a nice whining sound when they go down.

Robocop draws his gun out automatically, so no need to pause the game and fiddle around to get it. Sometimes you'll be able to use your gun, and sometimes you'll be forced to use your fists only.

Since you have your gun out, you can duck down and shoot the dogs before they can even get to you.

The battery increases the amount of time you have, while the bottle with the P on it refills your life. The further into the game you are, the less of a life refill you'll get.

You can aim to take out the helicopter, but be careful as the bombs it drops can do some good damage.

The boss is pretty simple if you know what to do. If you punch him when he comes close to you and keep mashing the attack button, he'll go down easy. If he punches at you, use the Select button to dodge.

Level 2
City Hall

There are now men shooting machine guns from the windows of the buildings. Thankfully, you can aim your gun at them just by holding the Control Pad in the necessary direction.

When you see the men with the flamethrowers come out, duck! This will keep the flames from hurting you.

When you see the glass double doors, go in.

Despite using a shield, the bomb throwing men will easily go down when shot.

The first boss shows up as a regular enemy in certain parts of other levels and fights the same way. The same strategies apply.

After you go up the second flight of stairs, walk to the right and punch out the wall before the spike trap gets you!

The boss here is a criminal who is holding the mayor hostage. Get to the center of the screen and duck. After the criminal fires, shoot at him. (The mayor will duck down long enough for you to do this, which is good because you don't want to shoot him.) After three shots, the mayor will escape and run to safety. Run to the left and keep shooting at the criminal, watching his movements, but remember that it's still possible to hit the mayor.

You can also get up close and keep punching him in the face with the help of a turbo controller if you can do it. That works, too.

Training Mode

You have 30 seconds to shoot all the targets.

Hit as many targets as you can. You'll earn 1000 points for each target.

Level 3

There's narcotics trafficking at the factory, and Clarence Boddiker, the man who murdered you, is behind it all.

You'll be able to use your gun at the beginning. Use it, because there will be thugs shooting at you from above with pistols.

You'll find a gun when you go up the stairs. Take it. This is the submachine gun, and it has a fast rate of fire as well as a maximum ammo capacity of 255. There's another one behind the wall, but you won't be able to get to it...yet.

When you take the lift to the second floor, keep going right until you're able to go back down to the first floor. [b]Now[/b] you can get that gun that you couldn't get to before. When you get it, though, you'll have to deal with another armored goon. Sometimes they'll drop P bottles, so pick them up when they do.

The boss is Clarence. If you slowly move to the right while shooting up and to the right at Clarence, he won't be able to throw his bombs at you.

You'll then fight three men in brown. Walk all the way to the left, face right and duck. You can then take them out with your gun. They're more likely to go down first, even though you'll be taking damage.

Level 4
Office Building

No sooner do you outmatch Clarence Roddicker (for now) that you find out that Dick Jones, Senior Vice President of OCP, is wanted for murdering a police officer.

Duck down to shoot the spiders. They'll drop P bottles sometimes.

If you see any black laser turrets on the ceiling, keep going forward. They track you, but not very well.

Pay attention to the ceiling afterwards, as robot birds will drop down from the small white doors above you and aim for your head. Duck to avoid them.

A door will close to your face. Move just far enough to the right so you can aim up and left at the energy cannon that fires lightning at you and shoot it down without taking damage.

Dodge the rocket shot by the green guy with the rocket launcher before shooting him.

When fighting the cannon, move a little bit to the left. Of the space available to the left, you should stand in the center. Face right and shoot down the cannon.

You'll see another laser cannon on the ceiling soon enough. You may have to duck just before you can walk out of its range (or move away from it a little more slowly, one of the two).

The boss is ED-209. It will push you to the left as you aim up and right at the gun located on its head. Move all the way to the left and its bullets will miss. From there, you should be able to destroy it. When it moves all the way to the right, move left when it's close to the right side of the screen. You should have no problem taking it out then. When the gun is destroyed, ED-209 will escape. You'll fight it again, though.

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