Tuesday, January 1, 2013

ProtonJonSA plays Ninja Gaiden for Master System - Chapter 5

The Land of Enemy. Yeah, so is every other godforsaken level.

It's an ice level! Yay! Am I wrong, or is Ryu Hayabusa running across the entire Arctic? I'm confused...wait, are those soldiers in berets? Gee, I guess we're near Russia, then. At least that makes sense.

You also fight seagulls and fish in this stage as well, for some reason. A little later into the stage, though, you'll see little red blobs crawling along the ground that you can only kill with your ninjitsu weapon. You'll eventually land on some solid ground that will lead you to the second section of the stage, which is a cave. The snow slows you down if you walk in it, and there are also ninjas that hide in that snow.

At one point, you'll find this part you have to crawl upon, but that part is on solid ice. If you get hit here, you get sent back and using the duck walk to move forward again doesn't help. You have to slash to stop. What was Sega thinking here? How are we supposed to figure that out?

After one more section, you finally get a chance to fight some sort of ice soldier who pops in and out of the ground. He always appears on the left platform, center left, right platform, center right. It's also always high missile, low missile, ice cube. The bosses get easier as you go around for some strange reason. Just remember to slash if you slide around the screen to stop yourself.

- PrinceWatercress, 3/7/2011
1:28 - Oh, that is crap. Also, why does the continue screen have exactly 17 seconds? Weird...

Well, I thought about it and it came to me. Turns out, numbers in this game as programmed as hexadecimals, which are a base 16 form of counting, as opposed to our normal base 10 counting system involving the Arabic numerals. Instead of just the Arabic numerals, there's A, B, C, D, E and F. Instead of programming the amount of seconds on the countdown as "0A," it's actually programmed "10" as in the Arabic numeral ten. This causes the continue screen to have 17 seconds instead of the usual ten.
2:36 - This is what happens if you slash at the red slimes...you'll barely miss them.
3:12 - OMG, a snow ninja! Why is it, green, though? It'd make more sense if it were white, but whatever...
3:17 - Pay attention to that sound, as it means that spikes are popping out of the ground.
3:54 - This part really, really, really sucks. If you get hit, you get sent back a long way and you can't move out of it with the duck walk alone. You have to slash your sword in order to stop, which is rather a strange way to get out of this dilemma.
4:41 - Well, that's one way to do it...
4:53 - Only mentioning this part because ProtonJon hits his hand on the desk. Hee, hee.
5:54 - You finally get to see one of the snow ninjas outside of the snow. Weird.
6:29 - Who is this guy, and how does he magically appear out of the ground? If you have projectiles, he's a lot easier.

7:54 - The closing cutscene for Chapter 5. It was an "ice monster?" Okay...

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