Saturday, January 5, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Empire Strikes Back - Part 3 of 12

I don't remember these enemies being in the movie...

Echo Base

The bestiary shifts from wild animals to robots that obviously weren't in the motion picture.

The beams that hang from the ceiling will fall when you get under them, but if you're blocking (yes, you can block by pressing Y and holding Down on the D-pad or holding A) they won't do that much damage to you. You can also slide under them and they'll hit the ground long after you pass them.

You can deal with the flamethrowers in the ground one of two ways: either destroy them with the gun or slide past them. Yes, the slide is still useful.

You'll soon hop aboard some sort of hovercycle. Move up and down, and smoke those Snowtroopers as well as any bombs they drop.

Once you jump off, continue right and you'll get in the Snowspeeder. Time for some hot, hot Mode 7 action!

The Battle of Hoth

Your first task is to destroy 10 probe droids and 10 speeder bikes. This should be easy, and in case you need to know many you need left, just look at the upper-right hand corner.

Whatever you do, never, ever let your Snowspeeder hit the ground. You'll be using Up and Down as much as you use Left and Right, so if you want to avoid unnecessary damage, stay afloat. Best rule of thumb here: never let your Snowspeeder meet with its own shadow, especially when you're flying over hills. Also, you won't start seeing the bikers until you destroy a couple of Probe Droids. Once that happens, watch the skies carefully.

When you're done with that, you'll have to destroy 5 AT-STs (those things with two long legs). They take a lot of hits, but they drop a lot of health, so if you're hurting from Mission 1, this is your lucky day. Just watch out for those speeder bikes. They're still out in force.

Mission 3 is the big one - you're wrapping your tow cables around those four-legged AT-ATs. When you get near one, stay near the legs and under the body, and don't stray too far. (Of course, if you watched the movie, you'd know that, right?)

After that, fly towards the last AT-AT. There. You're done.

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