Monday, January 7, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Empire Strikes Back - Part 7 of 12

The music for the Cloud City stages is really awesome, and is amongst the best of the Super Star Wars series. It really builds your confidence for making it so far in this game.

And it's only going to get harder from here.

Cloud City - Day

Some parts of the floor sink when you stand on them and activate an electric zapper beneath. As a matter of fact, a part of the floor doesn't de-pixelize like the rest of the level at the start. If you happen to make a note of it, do yourself a favor and don't step on's like dying at the hands of the first Goomba in Super Mario Bros. It's easy not to do, but when you do do it, you wonder why you did something that stupid in the first place.

One of the big enemies here are the orange vehicles, also known as the Cloud Cars. These things dwarf the droids that attack you in the stage, and they will come down from the sky sometimes and shoot at you unless you destroy them. Their lasers can bounce off walls and ceilings, so be careful when you meet up with one. Thankfully, every time you destroy one, you gt a large health power-up for your trouble. You'll need them...because this stage is pretty long.

You'll also stand on some platforms that sink when you stand on them. These platforms are usually not very big. Your double jumping skills will be put to the test on these things.

The next two stage hazards you'll see are doors in the walls that send out Imperial Stormtroopers when they open, as well as platforms that slide back into the wall when you stand on them. The doors aren't so bad, but you'll have to be quick with the sliding platforms.

The turrets on the ceilings are a pain in the butt. You're better off avoiding them, as you can't destroy them and they shoot the same lasers as the Cloud Cars.

Throughout the stage, you'll be seeing platforms flying around. Pay attention when you see one, since sometimes they fly around in quick, non-traditional patterns at times. Be sure to slide when the crushing walls sink back into the ceiling, so you won't take damage.

When you reach the elevator, you'll have to destroy all the enemies in the doorways before you can get the elevator to work. The Cloud Cars will definitely be pursuing you in these areas.

After the elevator, the enemies here get nastier and the jumps get even more complex. The bigger enemies that take several Plasma shots to kill will give you large health power-ups when you defeat them, though, so keep that in mind if the enemies give you as much trouble as the jumps. Also, some of the platforms are pretty small, and they have a door that spawns enemies at the side that cause you to fall off and start the jumping puzzle all over. You'll definitely have to be quick with your actions in these portions.

There will soon be another elevator when you get far enough, but it won't show up right away. Drop all the way down and stay to the right, and not only will the elevator finally show up, you'll find some hidden power-ups: two extra lives, a thermal detonator, a blaster power-up, and a large health power-up and a Health Sword that respawn numerous times, which means you can increase your maximum health until it caps out! This just got a lot easier!

Take the elevator back up, and you'll be going right and down this time around. The hallway before the next set of hard jumps has Stormtroopers on jetpacks that would just love to eat away at your health.

After that, you'll soon meet IG-88 as a regular enemy in this game. You've already seen Zukus and Bossk (two other bounty hunters) as regular enemies earlier in the level, and they all take a good amount of damage before falling. IG-88 is a jerk, though, as he can shoot a fast-moving blue ring at you that freezes you like the Wampa's breath back in the Hoth levels. This won't be the last level you'll see any of them in, that's for sure.

When you fight the boss, you'll have to shoot all the armor plating off in order to damage the boss. You'll be doing a lot of sliding and moving around as this thing will shoot rapid ion blasts and follow you around.

When you finish it off, you'll finally meet Lando. Man, that was a hard level.

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