A huge thunderstorm has passed over the community of Green Arbor Park. Many of the family pets and wild animals who live around the are have run away! Even the young animals from the Island Reserve have been set loose by the storm. The residents of Green Arbor Park know what to do: call Barbie's Pet Rescue Center.
Barbie listens to each call for clues to where the animals were last seen and may be hiding. Barbie leaps into action! She must rescue the animals before they get into trouble.
When you start the game, you'll be in the Pet Rescue Center. While you can take a call to rescue an animal, there is already an animal in the play room. If you go in, you'll find an orange cat.
In the play room, you can check out the pet care records and hints, take the animal to the care room, and can also play with the animal, which has you playing one of three mini-games.
In the care room, you can feed the animal, give the animal vitamins, brush the animal, bandage the animal if you have to, and bathe the animal if you have to.
With the pet care hints, which gives out general pet care advice, you have gauges. The more filled up the gauge is, the better the animal will respond to it. You should not bathe the animal or use bandages or vitamins unless the pet car record, which tells you specifics about the animal you're helping, hints that you should.
If you press Start while at the rescue center, you'll get a password. You can input this password to start back where you left off.
Cinnamon the Kitten
Cinnamon arrived at the Pet Rescue Center in pretty good condition. Her fur needs some attention, though, and she isn't as peppy as she normally is.
They are sweet animals that love to play and receive affection. It's important to feed them on a regular basis.
Bandage: 5
Food: 3
Bathing: 2
Vitamins: 4
Brush: 5
There are two gauges in the upper-right corner: a green health gauge and a brown happiness gauge. You'll want to feed and care for the animal to fill it up, and you'll need to play mii-games to
Thankfully, Cinnamon is pretty easy to nurse back to health. You can either brush or feed her. This will increase the green health meter to maximum. Watch the lower-right corner to see what your actions will do, as you can also accidentally decrease the meters if you do the wrong thing.
To fill up the happiness meter, you'll need to keep playing mini-games. There are three in all, and you'll only get special, animal-specific mini-games with certain animals in the special rescues, which I will mention
For Rascal Run-Around, you'll need to hold the Control Pad to guide the white paw prints to the arrow at the end. Once you get used to how this works, it's pretty easy to do.
For Snacktime Challenge, you'll need to use the Control Pad and the A button to match the animals with their favorite foods. Thankfully, the animals and their fave foods both share the same colors, and once you memorize the cards, this gets easier. You'll have a few seconds to memorize where the cards are before the game begins, and you can only miss three times before you are forced to try again.
For Critter Keep-Away, you'll be moving the paws at the bottom with Left and Right on the D-Pad while pressing A to bat the ball of yarn as it bounce around. If the yarn touches the cat on the upper-right corner, the cat will bat it back. Once again, you can only miss three times, and you'll have to bat the yarn ball at the cat ten times in order to complete the mini-games.
When you fill both of the gauges, you'll need to return the animal home. In the areas where you have to rescue animals and/or return animals home, you can move in eight directions with the D-Pad and jump with the A button. You'll need to jump to avoid some obstacles such as bumps, cones, logs, rocks and other objects, but you'll have to move around to avoid other things, and sometimes you'll have to move and jump.
When you get back to the animal's home, you'll have to play the Parent Match mini-game. You'll get a picture of the animal's mother, then the three segments of the animal will be shuffled. You'll need to use Up and Down to switch sections and Left and Right to change the segments to the animal that you want. You'll only get a few seconds to look at the animal's mother, so pay attention. Press A when you are done.
If you succeed, you'll get a certificate for rescuing the animal. There are fourteen certificates, and if you get them all, you will beat the game.
If you fail any part of the return home or the parent match, both gauges will go down by one and you'll need to fill them up before you can return the animal home again.
After heading to where an animal has last been seen, use Left or Right to walk around and switch screens. When you find the animal, walk up to it and hold Down to pick the animal up. You'll then head back to the play room in the Pet Rescue Center and do what you need to do.
Wendy the Koala
Wendy is homesick and needs extra attention - maybe if we play with her, she'll start feeling better.
Koalas eat leaves and plants which gives them the vitamins they need to grow up and be strong!
Bandages: 1
Food: 2
Bathing: 3
Vitamins: 4
Brush: 2
For Wendy, you can do either the food or the vitamins. As for the happiness gauge, you'll need to play a lot of mini-games.
Rosie the Tortoise
Rosie is pretty healthy, but she is also very shy and needs your help coming out of her shell.
Tortoises are gentle and sensitive animals. They need lots of vitamins, but over feeding them is not good.
Bandages: 4
Food: 1
Bathing: 3
Vitamins: 5
Brush: 5
You can use the food or the vitamins, but you'll also need to play a lot of mini-games with Rosie. 5
Brush: 5
You can use the food or the vitamins, but you'll also need to play a lot of mini-games with Rosie.
Penguin's Ice Cream Chase
Meredith the Penguin is one of three special rescues in the game. To rescue her, you'll need to play a game of Breakout in order to break the blocks surrounding her, then get the ball to Meredith to perform the rescue. Left and Right on the Control Pad will move the paddle. You also have three tries.
Meredith the Penguin
Meredith looks like she hasn't been swimming in a long time. What can be done to make her feel better?
They spend a lot of time in water and become unhappy if they're out for too long. They love sweets.
Besides feeding Meredith, you can also bathe her to increase her health. You'll also be playing plenty of minigames.
Bandage: 2
Food: 4
Bathing: 5
Vitamins: 2
Brush: 1
Diane the Fox Cub
Diane has a small tender spot on her paw and is very scared. How can we comfort her?
Fox Cubs
Fox cubs are spunky and playful and they eat all the time! The one thing they don't like is baths!
Bandage: 2
Food: 3
Bathing: 2
Vitamins: 2
Brush: 2
Since Diane has a small tender spot on her paw, you can use the bandage here in addition to the food.
Jimmy the Bear Cub
Jimmy is very hungry and his fur coat looks very dull. He might need to be brushed.
Bear Cubs
Bear cubs spend most of their time eating and playing. Note: They don't like wearing bandages.
Bandage: 0
Food: 4
Bathing: 1
Vitamins: 1
Brush: 1
Since the game tell you that Jimmy's fur might need a brushing, go ahead and use the brush in addition to food.
Belle the Piglet
Belle seems very happy, but looks like she's been playing in the mud again. Is that her stomach rumbling?
They enjoying playing in mud. They also love warm, sudsy baths! They become unhappy if they don't eat often.
Bandage: 2
Food: 5
Bathing: 5
Vitamins: 5
Brush: 3
Besides giving Belle a ton of food, you can also try bathing her for a health increase.
Jan the Deer
Jan is very sleepy and tired - she may just need something to eat. Her hoof needs treatment as well.
Deer are shy but love to play in areas with lots of trees. They like to eat often.
Bandage: 2
Food: 4
Bathing: 2
Vitamins: 3
Brush: 2
Besides the food, you can also use the bandage. You'll have to do a lot of work with Jan, though, as you'll be playing more than your fair share of mini-games before you can take her back home.
Brandywine the Pony
Brandywine loves being groomed every day, but she is very tired and hungry.
These ponies are very small, but have big appetites! They like lots of affection and love to be brushed.
Bandage: 2
Food: 5
Bathing: 3
Vitamins: 2
Brush: 5
You can use the brush as well as the food to nurse Brandywine back to health in addition to the mini-games.
Owl Photo Safari
To play the Owl Photo Safari game, you'll have to use the D-Pad to move the camera and press A to take pictures. The camera flash must touch the owl, and you can only miss three times. Once you complete this mini-game, you'll get Patty the Owl, one of the game's three special rescues.
Patty the Owl
Patty can't fly very far. Are her wings OK? She is quite sleepy, day and night. What could be wrong?
Owls dislike being touched or covered up. They are moderate eaters and dislike being wet.
Bandage: 0
Food: 4
Bathing: 1
Vitamins: 2
Brush: 0
Whatever you do, do not use the bandages. Use the vitamins to fix the wings. At least you won't have to play a lot of mini-games.
Puppy Apple Turnover
For this mini-game, Ginger the puppy has gotten into the apple orchard and has started knocking apples everywhere. Move the basket with Left and Right on the D-Pad and catch the apples. When you fill up the basket, you win. If you miss three apples, you'll have to try again later. When you win, you'll get Ginger the puppy, one of the three special rescues of the game.
Ginger the Puppy
Ginger is scratching a lot - sometimes brushing her coat will help. She might enjoy one of her favorite treats, too.
Puppies love to play - it's their favorite thing to do! They love being brushed and enjoy their treats.
Bandages: 1
Food: 4
Bathing: 4
Vitamins: 5
Brush: 5
Thankfully, all you have to do is brush and feed Ginger before you can take her home.
Zippy the Bunny Rabbit
Zippy is scared...what can be done to gain her trust? She also has a sore paw from her long journey...
Bunny Rabbits
Bunnies love to hop around, but they do not like taking baths. They make great pets!
Bandage: 4
Food: 3
Bathing: 3
Vitamins: 3
Brush: 4
Thankfully, Zippy is receptive to the bandages, so you can use that.
Leonardo the Lion Cub
Poor Leonardo! He's usually very playful and happy, but today he has a limp...he may also need a little snack...
Lion Cubs
They are frisky and eat a lot. They aren't very patient and don't like being groomed.
Bandage: 0
Food: 5
Bathing: 0
Vitamins: 1
Brush: 2
Use the vitamin for the limp, as the bandage will only decrease happiness. Other than that, you'll need to feed Leonardo a lot of food.
Smokey the Wild Kitten
Smokey needs our attention. He hides in his basket and spends a lot of time licking his fur. He also seems small for his age. What would help?
They are sweet animals that love to play and receive affection. It's important to feed them on a regular basis.
Bandage: 5
Food: 3
Bathing: 2
Vitamins: 4
Brush: 5
Take care of Smokey like you did with Cinnamon. Vitamins will also help here, too.
Once you rescue all fourteen animals, take care of them and take them back home, you've beaten this game! Congratulations!