Thursday, November 2, 2023

Jerry Martin plays Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Part 34 of 53

In this entry, the rainforest formula gets turned into a pile of dust and we have to restore it, which will take a bit of work.

If you click on the hole, Dangeresque will not be able to reach through it. Ronaldo will give it a try, but Dangeresque will realize it is a trap: a Western Lowland Grizzlysharkasaurusbot holding a shark. Ronaldo's arm will be trapped.

Use the Nunchuck Gun on the cardboard bear carrying a shark so Dangeresque beats it into submission. By the time that happens, Renaldo finds the secret rainforest formula, but it is now a pile of dust, and the only way to restore it is through deranged rocket scientist Professor Experimento, whom Dangerous is not especially fond of after he kicked him out of the space program in 1983. From here, the Professor's secret lab is unlocked. Add it to the map and go there.

You'll then meet Pom Pom/Professor Experimento, who throws a pair of scissors at Dangeresque like a knife and misses. Dangeresque aims the Nunchuck Gun at the professor, but Ronaldo de-escalates the situation.

Grab the safety scissors stuck on the wall to put them in your inventory.

If you click on the Fun Machine, you'll find out that it is a rocket simulator. This will lead to the Space Circus Catastrophe game, where you'll need to avoid everything by moving around with the arrow keys while pressing one button to save the circus animals and performers and pressing another to shoot the clowns. If you rescue the clowns, you'll lose points, and if you shoot a performer, you'll lose points that way, too. There is a bomb that can be used to destroy anything currently on screen, but it can only be used once per game, and if you do use it, you'll reduce the "to save" count to one for the current round and you won't get any points. When you save enough of them, you'll move on to the next level (and planet, in a reference to Gyruss), but don't get hit by too many things or else you'll lose all your shields. If you get 15,000 points in the game, you'll get credit towards episode completion.

- Sam and Max: Use the phone in Dangeresque's office.

- Renaldo: Do this in Dangeresque's office after you answer the door at the beginning.
- Dangeresque, Too?: Do this in Dangeresque's office after you answer the door at the beginning.
- Cutesy Buttons: Do this in Dangeresque's office after letting her in.

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