Monday, November 6, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Fortified Zone AGAIN - Part 1 of 4

Believe it or not, this game and Operation Logic Bomb are part of the same series in Japan. As a matter of fact, they both share the same name!

Also, it's been ten years since I've played this! So let's play it again!

Stage 1: Field

You start out as Masato, one of two playable characters in the game.

The controls are simple enough. You use the Control Pad to move around, and press A to fire your gun. You can have up to five regular bullets on the screen at any given time. If you find a special weapon, you can fire it with the B button.

The heads-up display is at the bottom and is pretty simple. The gauge on the left is your health, while the gauge on the right shows how much ammo you have left on your current special weapon.

The human enemies are a pushover. Right now, they stay in one spot and shoot bullets in one of four directions much like you do. They will start moving eventually, however.

When you see missiles firing down from the north side of the screen, shoot them down and avoid them when necessary. If you see any first aid kits, pick them up. You'll need them for later. If you're not at full health, they'll refill your health for you. If you are, you'll be able to take it with you and revive your character upon dying. You can carry up to nine at any given time.

Sometimes doors will block your path. Usually, you'll have to kill all the enemies in the really small room that you're in, but you may also have to find a key to unlock it.

The knife guys will come at you when they see you, and - if you let them - will advance faster when lined up with you.

For spike traps, wait for them to come up, then immediately move past them when they sink back down into the floor.

The boxes with the "X" on them contain useful stuff. You'll have to shoot them five times to reveal the contents inside...and the contents can be quite good.

The guys with what look like proton packs on their backs take two shots to kill and sometimes fire a three-way shot. Other times they'll just fire the usual straight shots.

If you press Select, you'll go to the map screen. This lets you change characters, use first aid kits, look at the map to see where you are.

You have two characters. As mentioned earlier, you start out as Masato, but if you select "Change" on the map screen with the B button, you'll switch to Mizuki, who can only shoot two bullets at a time, is a bit quicker than Masato, and jumps with the B button instead of firing special weapons. The jump allows you to jump over spike pits, and Masato cannot cross those in any way.

The icon with the "3" on it with the three cannons is the three-way shot. Watch your ammo in the lower-right corner, because those special weapons don't have infinite ammo.

The icon with "UP" on it increases your maximum health by one unit, and you'll find plenty throughout the game. The health increase goes to the person you pick it up with, so pick who you want it to go to before you pick it up.

The gun with the "S" on it increases the speed of your shots.

The mini-boss here is dead simple, as it stays in place and its bullets are super slow. All you have to do is face it and mash the shoot button to kill it off. Just watch for the missiles, but at least you can shoot those down to destroy them, too. When you destroy it, you'll get a key that you can pick. This will allow you to unlock a specific door in the stage in case killing all the enemies in the room doesn't open it.

Sometimes, more enemies will pop up when you kill enemies in the room. In these cases, you'll have to kill the enemies to move on.

The Jeep mini-boss can be easily destroyed with the regular gun. If you can get it on the north wall and facing west, you can destroy it pretty easily without its three-way shots being able to do anything.

The grenade icons give you grenades for your special weapons. (Despite what I say, Mizuki cannot use the grenades and her only weapon is her pistol. I could never get her to use them.)

The gun with the "P" on it changes the appearance of your regular shots and also makes them stronger. You definitely want to pick this up, as everything will do down in fewer shots. Make sure you power up Mizuki's shots for just in case!

Don't forget to pick up the first-aid kits before you face the boss. When you finally face the boss, position yourself southwest of all the turrets and throw grenades at them. You'll destroy the boss without even getting shot at.

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