Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Jerry Martin plays Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Part 33 of 53

We're on Episode Four now, and this is where we start seeing Strong Bad at his coolest.

Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective

The episode begins in Strong Bad's/Dangeresque's office. Dangeresque grabs his Nunchuck Gun as the door opens, and Dangeresque points the Nunchuck Gun at his greatest enemy, who is played by Homestar. Dangeresque, Too? says that he has the diamond, but Dangeresque is the one who suddenly produces it from behind his desk. The scene then goes into the title card for Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective followed by the title sequence.

We then get brought back to reality, where Strong Bad has fallen asleep at the Lappy 486. Strong Bad wakes up and writes an e-mail where he announces that he has finished Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective and that it is a critical and commercial success thanks to people who are willing to pay him $100 to see it. Strong Bad then grabs his video tape containing the new film and heads to the premiere, which is a basement viewing with the cast of Homestar Runner in Strong Bad's house. From here, you play as Dangeresque, and you'll start in Dangeresque's office. There will be a constant knocking on the office door.

If you click on the phone, you'll get a Sam & Max reference.

Near the door is a table with the Nunchuck Gun on it. Take the Nunchuck Gun and the trinket, because you're going to need them.

When you answer the door, you'll be introduced to Coach Z/Ronaldo and Dangeresque, Too?/Ronaldo. Ronaldo tells Dangeresque about his upcoming retirement party before heading off to Sidekick Island (where nothing can possibly kill you off) while Dangeresque, Too? mentions that he brought cake.

From here, use the Nunchuck Gun on both Renaldo and Dangeresque, Too? to get some reactions from them and add to your game completion.

When Renaldo showed up, he brought in a can of Diet Brown. Click on the can of Diet Brown to add it to your inventory.

If you click on the door again, you'l be met by Marzipan/Cutesy Buttons. Cutesy Buttons will bring in Credenza the potted plant as she tells Dangeresque that she needs his help to save a ton of rainforest trees, as she has discovered the location of a secret formula that will save the rainforest. However, it is located deep in the jungle of StrongBorneo. Strong Bad proposes one last case between himself, Dangeresque, Too? and Renaldo. Renaldo is in, asking what could possibly go wrong, but Dangeresque, Too? says he has something else to keep his eye on. Dangeresque thinks this is suspicious. You'll then unlock StrongBorneo on the map.

From here, you can pick up Credenza and put it in your inventory, with Cutesy Buttons/Marzipan agreeing that Credenza needs some sunlight. Also, use the Nunchuck Gun on Cutesy Buttons.  After that, open the map and add StrongBorneo to the map wherever you want it, then head there.

In StrongBorneo (which is in Strong Badia), Dangeresque and Ronaldo will be in a box/boat on an imaginary river. They soon get out of the boat. The formula should be around here somewhere.

If you use the Nunchuck Gun on the Strong Badia population sign, you'll shoot it down. This will reveal a hole in the fence.

NEW! Sam and Max: Use the phone in Dangeresque's office.

NEW! Renaldo: Do this in Dangeresque's office after you answer the door at the beginning.
NEW! Dangeresque, Too?: Do this in Dangeresque's office after you answer the door at the beginning.
NEW! Cutesy Buttons: Do this in Dangeresque's office after letting her in.

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