Thursday, October 12, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Beard Blade - Part 3 of 13

At this point in the game, we'll be able to buy some extra abilities. We do just that today in order to get some stuff we couldn't collect earlier.

Kencur Caverns 2 (Day)

The bat enemies will wake up when you get close enough and will attack if left alone for a second.

There will be earthquakes happening at regular intervals in this cave, and if you're climbing on any of the metal grating in the level, you will be knocked back down to the ground. If you're in the air during a quake, you won't be affected. Also, holding Up and jumping lets you get up faster.

If you go opposite of where the game tells you to go around here, the game rewards with secrets and other things. Enemy Card #7, Lepa, is just to the left on the start of the way up in the second section.

If you go all the way up shortly after the start of the second section, you'll find the first big coin.

Keep running to get past the lava pool.

In the middle of the second section, there is a lower level full of the small slime enemies and an upper level with the bat enemies. At the end of the upper level is a space you can crawl through for the second big coin.

Near the end of the second section, you can climb up and go to the left past a lava pool for the red treasure chest with Track 4.

When you see the rope platform before the arrow pointing up and to the right to the exit, drop down and crawl right to get the third big coin.

Kencur Caverns 2 (Night)

Here, you'll be going through a cavern in the dark, and you'll have a limited field of vision.

The red slimes on the ceiling move! Of course, when they are split into two, the small slimes are almost the same as ever, but they have a high jump compared to the green slimes' long jump. The first big coin is above the first red slime you see.

You'll need to push a block to loop around after the start. Shortly after this, there will be a small nook with five crates. Break them to get the second big coin. Up and to the left of this is the blue chest which contains the Dark Gem.

The spiky shelled enemies in the second section are indestructible. You'll just have to move past and around them.

Shortly after the start, you'll find Enemy Card #8, Fango, as you loop around.

The third big coin is in plain sight before the exit.

[title][center]Forbeau's Barbershop

You'll find this place several times on the world map, but this is the first place where you will see it. Here, Forbeau - the hooded man who gave you your beard powers - doubles as a barber, and he has items that will you more abilities. You'll have to pay for them with the coins that you've been finding throughout the game, of course.

Life Up: Increases your maximum health by one.

Brawn Vitamin: Makes your attack stronger. If you buy a ton, you'll notice a difference not only against regular enemies, but against bosses. The more you buy, the more expensive the next Brawn Vitamin becomes.

Heavy Beard Cream: With this, you can hold Down and attack in mid-air to smash things below you. You'll need this for a couple of things that you couldn't get in past stages. This also allows you to do AOE (area of effect) damage of nearby enemies, damaging them from a short distance away.

Bop Bros. Beard Oil: With this, you can press the jump button on an enemy right when you land on it to do a somersault.

Waterproof Beard Wax: This allows you to attack underwater. This will help you break blocks and defend yourself underwater.

Magnetic Beard Balm: Attracts coins from slightly further away.

Beard Toss Shampoo: Allows you to throw projectiles at enemies with your beard with the Right Trigger (on the X-Box 360 controller).

Underwater Air Tank: Increases your air meter while swimming.

Rolling Beard Wash: Crouch and press X (on the XBox 360 controller) to send Branson rolling.

I end up buying the Heavy Beard Cream and Waterproof Beard Wax immediately.

Kencur Caverns 1 (Night)

Thanks to the Heavy Beard Cream, you can open the blue treasure chest and get the Rusty Gear.

Kencur Caverns 1 (Day)

We can also get to the treasure chest here, too, now that we have the Heavy Beard Cream. Inside the red treasure chest here is Track 3.

Caraway Bay 1 (Day)

Remember those blocks down and to the left from the checkpoint? With the Underwater Beard Oil, we can break those now, and get Enemy Card #3, Kani.

Kencur Caverns 3 (Day)

One of the higher-ups in the Smuglins will warn a Smuglin with a drilling machine that a dangerous enemy - Branson - has landed on Pimento Island, and to continue construction as planned before leaving.

Below the start is a doorway you'll need to enter. Go up to the giftbox and press Up to open it and get the Beard Clamp. With this, you can clamp onto metal poles by holding Up and pressing X (on the XBox 360 controller) in mid-air. Once you're clamped onto a metal pole, press Down to launch yourself upwards. You can hold Left or Right in conjunction with pressing Down to move to the side as you do this. This can also be used to attack enemies, although I wouldn't recommend it.

You'll be going left at the start of the day stage.

The mine-cart will take you from one side of the tracks to the other, and it will crash after hitting the walls.

Duck down to avoid spikes, and watch out for falling rocks. You'll find the first big coin hiding behind crates after the first boulder, and you'll find the second big coin soon after this as you jump from mine cart to mine cart.

Shortly after this, you'll have to jump over sea urchins on dry land. After the third sea urchin, be ready to clamp onto the metal rod above you to get Enemy Card #9, Gimlet.

Do not break the crates below the red treasure chest. Instead, leave them alone and go right to press the button past the nearby crawlspace. You'll get Track 5. You'll find the third big coin soon after this, and you'll have to spin to the left after dropping down the nearby pit to get it.

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