Friday, August 5, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Rapid Reload (as Axel) - Part 6 of 6

It's just you and the final boss here. 

Round 6

In this final level, you'll have only one enemy to fight: the final boss. You'll get taken to the Pumpkin Heads' stronghold in some ruins, then you'll face the boss.

For the first phase, equip F and stay to the left, hold L2 and aim up and left to get a free shot. From here, move left and right to avoid the lasers, then slide to the other side and sidestep around the lasers there. Hold Up and press R2 to grapple to the platform above you with your wire (grappling hook), then face the boss, duck down and shoot at the head until the orbs stop flying around. When the boss gets back up, get back down and fire at the boss while holding L2. From here, you'll be avoiding the lasers again. After the lasers are fired a second time, you'll need to stay down on the floor this time to avoid the orbs. The third time around, the orbs will be at the lower half of the screen again.

At 14500 HP, you'll enter the second phase. Stay all the way to the left, then move to the right when the boss rears back so you don't get hit by the fist or the crystals that the boss creates. After three punches, the boss will go back to the center. Go back to the left when the crystals fade away. 

At 10500 HP, you'll enter the third phase. Go all the way to the left. When the boss fires a spiral of red fireballs, get to the platform above you with the wire like you did earlier, then fire at the boss. The boss will fire to the left. Get to the right and avoid the fireball spiral again, then stay all the way to the right. When the boss heads back to the center, get to the left again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Be sure to get your shots in with F when you get on the platform, then get to the other side of the room as soon as possible.

At 7000 HP, you'll enter the fourth phase. Stay in the center and keep firing upwards at the boss with F. When the disco balls go to the lower corners and up to the higher corners, slide to the side so they don't hit you. When they go straight up, stay in the center and jump when they both head towards you. From here, you'll want to slide to the left and get to the platform above, then jump towards the boss and fire at the boss's head with F on the way down. Jump straight up to avoid the smaller blue fireballs. The pattern will repeat, but when the balls try to collide into you, you'll need to head to the right this time.

This is the final phase. Once you beat the boss, that's it! Rika will show up, and the Valkiry is yours! You just beat Rapid Reload as Axel!

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