Monday, August 15, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote - Part 5 of 10

Here's a deviation from the norm: the Road Runner kicks Wile E.'s butt by dropping barrel bombs on him. What is this even?

Granite Gulch

The first section of this stage is just like the first section of Red Rock Rendezvous, with the only difference being that it takes place at night. The second section is also cliffs, but here, you'll be doing even more platforming and even more running up walls just to get to the end. Explore if you can, get all sorts of stamps if you must, but get to the right as quickly as possible.

The bonus area, which isn't pictured here, is the waterfall bonus area from Buttes and Ladders.

The Grand Finale

You finally face Wile E. himself. Get to either the left or right side of the screen, get to the switch, and pull the switch so the barrels fall on the vehicle that is trying to crush you as it passes by. Watch out for the bombs that get thrown at you, and don't get hit by the vehicle, either. As you drop barrels, the vehicle gets more red. After dropping twelve barrels on Wile E., the battle is over.

When you beat the game as Road Runner, Road Runner becomes the President of ACME, much to Wile E. Coyote's horror.

We're not done yet, though; we still have a whole playthrough as Wile E.! Stay tuned!

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