Tuesday, August 2, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Rapid Reload (as Axel) - Part 3 of 6

The game picks up in difficulty a little bit here, but it'll be the second half of the game that will really rock your world.

Round 3

In this level, you'll be in a mine cart, much like in the mine level of Gunstar Heroes. Equip H and take out enemies before they can shoot at you. As long as you hold the fire button down and face enemies as soon as they show up, you shouldn't take damage..

To take out the tank, just face the tank and duck down while shooting H. You'll want keep the fire button held down throughout the battle. This will destroy the tank and the missiles that it fires. To take out the cruiser, keep firing H at them, and watch out for the bullets they shoot from above.

To beat the area boss, stay to the left at first, and make sure you have H equipped. Jump over the first buzzsaw and duck under the second. When it flips to the left side of the screen, stay behind it so you don't get zapped by an instant death beam.  From here, you'll have to avoid the blades again. Aim up when the rocks come down so shoot them down with H.

From here, use F to take out the gold cruiser to the left when you come out of the mine. Use H to take out the soldiers, and F to take out the mechs on the train in the background. If you see any missile launchers, aim upwards with H to take out the missiles. One of them contains enemies instead of missiles, and each

To avoid the claw, get the claw to go all the way down. Stay to the left and jump to fake it out, then swiftly move to the right and make sure the claw doesn't touch you from there. Take out the gold cruiser that comes in from the left. Stay all the way to the right and fire H to take out the enemies.

You'll then face the guardian. Equip H, then face the boss and hold the fire button. Stay in the center and jump high over the first batch of machine gun fire so every other blast of machine gun ammo misses you. You'll take out the missile pods on the bottom of the guardian at the same time, and the explosions from it can hurt you. When the boss goes from the right side of the screen to the left, you need to jump to the right just before it advance to avoid the flames from the bottom of the guardian as well as the machine gun fire. It's hard to avoid, but thankfully it doesn't do that much damage.

From here, avoid the gunfire from the machine guns. When the guardian goes back to the right, aim upwards with H to take out the missiles. Jump over the flamethrowers.

The guardian will soon be in the air at less than 3000 HP. When you see the bullet casings for the machine gun fire once you're underneath the guardian, immediately slide forward to avoid getting rocked. When the guardian moves into the corner and goes from one side of the screen to the other, aim upwards while holding the fire button to take out the missiles. From here, the guardian will alternate between these two attacks, and become more predictable as a result. It won't be long until you're at the second half of the game. 

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