Monday, August 8, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Bing Bing! Bingo - Part 3 of 5

For this video, we'll be playing the Amida theme and watching Santa land on a lot of chimneys. If you've ever played the mini-games where something has to travel a path and always has to turn at a fork in the road, you'll have a good idea how this theme works.

In Amida Bingo, you're taking Santa Claus and his sleigh down a series of lines in order to land on a house. The number on that house is then called. You can change where Santa drops down from the top of the screen at with Left and Right on the D-Pad before pressing A, but that's as far as you can go when it comes to changing the outcome of what number you land on...which can be pretty hard to do.

If you've ever played the bonus games in Kid Dracula, one of the bonus games in Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, or fought the spider boss in Mega Man X, you'll know how this works.

If not, it's quite simple. You pick a line and go down it. If you see a horizontal line on the way down, you have to take it. From there, you'll have to keep going down and travelling across horizontal lines until you reach the bottom. It's explained here, and is known as "Amidakuji" (Amida's Halo) in Japan as well as "Ghost Leg" in China.

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