Monday, November 5, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Donkey Kong Country - Part 5 of 7

We complete the rest of Gorilla Glacier in this entry, then head on down the mountains to the factories. It won't be long now.

Ice Age Alley

Bonus areas: Two (2)

By going left at the start past the Mini-Necky, you can get Expresso as well as the K. If you can get Expresso past the first Necky, you can more easily reach the first bonus area, where you can find an Expresso token in the center. You'll also be able to get Expresso again if you can reach the other side.

The second bonus area can only be reached if you have Expresso, which is easier said than done considering there are some Manky Kongs past the checkpoint. When you reach the Steel Keg, do not drop down to it; instead, jump to the right and float to the platform with a Barrel Cannon on it. You'll get the N and the second bonus area. Match up the three balloons to the one you want and get some more lives.

Croctopus Chase

Bonus areas: none

In this area, you will be chased by the blue Croctopuses (Croctopi?) as soon as you swim past them. You'll also meet a new enemy: Squidge, a squid that will move side to side as they go in a certain direction. Pay attention to your surroundings you aren't caught off guard by them or other enemies, as there will be some Chomps more than halfway through the stage.

If you check the wall to the right after the barrel cannons, you can get a DK barrel as well as the O.

Shortly after the N, there is a passage to the left that leads to a 1-Up as well as Enguarde. Enguarde will make it a little faster to get through the rest of the stage.

Torchlight Trouble

Bonus areas: Two (2)

The crate at the start of the level releases Squawks the Parrot, who holds a lantern in his feet and lights the path. This is his only appearance in the game, and he proves more useful in the sequels. Also, the screen is white for a brief second whenever you turn around, which can be rather irritating for some.

There are a lot of Klumps at the beginning of the stage, so it helps to play as Donkey Kong when you first enter. You should also watch out for the flames of the oil drums, too.

The first bonus area is right after the checkpoint. Grab the barrel and plow it through the wall below. Match up the stuff you want to get that item.

You'll also meet a new obstacle after the bonus area: mincers. Some of them are stationary, and others will move in set patterns, but they are all deadly to the touch! You'll also see a lot of Krunchas, so playing as Donkey Kong definitely pays off once again.

The second bonus area is right at the end. Grab the barrel just before the end and send it into the wall to the left of the exit. Use the tire trampoline in the ground in the bonus area - which is another Klap-Trap area - to get the G.

Rope Bridge Rumble

Bonus areas: Two (2)

The first bonus area is right after the green Kritter at the beginning of the stage. Just drop down into the pit to the right to enter the first bonus area. This one is easy to miss, since there is nothing that hints at where this one is. Leap to the other side with the tire trampolines and you'll be able to beat up a bunch of enemies in the stage with Winky. You'll also need Winky to get the K. 

After some more pit jumping and Zinger avoiding (or Zinger stomping, if you have Winky), you'll make it to the checkpoint. Here, you'll have to deal with a lot of Kritters.

The second bonus area is after the G. In the area with the three moving platforms with tires on them, there is a lone banana in the air. Leap into it (especially with Winky) to enter and go for the animal buddy token of your choice.

Really Gnawty Rampage

This battle is just like Very Gnawty's Lair, but there is a twist. Whenever you land on Really Gnawty, he will leap high into the air in an attempt to squash, and he will be invulnerable until this stops. The more times you hit him, the more of these stomps he will attempt. When he starts making long hops, jump on his head again. Just remember that Really Gnawty makes longer hops the more you hit him, too.

Kremkroc Industries Inc.

This is where the game really heats up and pulls all the stops. Get ready.

Oil Drum Alley

Bonus areas: Four (4)

The first bonus area is right at the start. Take out the Gnawty at the start and get on the rope. When the rope stops moving to the left, jump onto the black panel on the floor. You'll find a TNT barrel. Use it to blow up the oil drum to the right and jump into the pit. By aiming up at the center, you can get a 1-Up.

The second bonus area is right after the "stairs" with the three Gnawtys shortly after the K. Turns out, this is a double bonus area. In the first bonus area, get the single banana on all three barrels. You will be rewarded with a barrel instead of a single banana this time around. Grab the barrel and jump into the right-hand wall while it is still in your hands. You'll immediately enter the third bonus area. Spell out the words "DONKEY," "KONG" and "COUNTRY" to get six extra lives.

The second half of the stage after the checkpoint will get increasingly tough, as some of the oil drums will have flames that pop in and out. As long as the flame is buried in the oil drum, you can stand on the oil drum safely. You can drop down the pit immediately after the first oil drum after the checkpoint to get Rambi and get a free hit, which will prove useful near the end where you are forced to use oil drums and tire trampolines to get over a bottomless pit. Then again, you may be faster without him. Pick your poison.

The fourth bonus area is in a wall near a floating oil drum. You can break it with a barrel yourself, or you can have Manky Kong do it for you. It's another barrel cannon aiming one where you can also get the N if you're good enough.

Trick Track Trek

Bonus areas: Three (3)

The main gimmick of the stage is the moving platform that you will be using throughout the stage. You'll be bopping off the top of enemies and avoiding some others as well as their attacks, but this one isn't too bad compared to the previous stage.

There is a warp barrel at the beginning of the stage. Just superjump to the right off the starting platform to enter it.

The first bonus area is at the end of the track after the O. Superjump to the right to get to the barrel cannon. Jump on the platform and you can use it to get all the bananas here.

After the checkpoint, enemies will be moving off platforms and drop ping down to where you do.

The second bonus area is right after the platform with the two Gnawtys on it. Right after that platform is one with a blue Kritter. Superjump to where the two Gnawtys are and jump right from there to enter the Barrel Cannon and do another Klap-Trap room for a 1-Up. This time around, the Klap-Trap jumps when you do, which can be very menacing when the Klap-Trap starts moving around very quickly.

Move to the right after the Manky Kong throws his second barrel. Stay to the left to avoid the Kruncha.

The third bonus area is at the end. Take out the Manky Kong with a cartwheel, then go to the right. You'll find a Winky Token on the platform below as well as a Barrel Cannon leading to the final bonus area here. Match up the balloons to get the amount of lives you want.

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