Saturday, November 3, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Donkey Kong Country - Part 1 of 7

Gotta do it. Gotta finish up the trilogy.

Maps courtesy of DKC Atlas.

It's the one that started it all! It's the only game in the trilogy where you actually get to play as Donkey Kong, and being that it is the start of an epic trilogy, all the polish that is in the two sequels is not quite there yet. Nevertheless, the precedent was set here: colorful computer-generated graphics, plenty of action, and tons of bonus areas.

In this one, King K. Rool and his Kremling forces have stolen Donkey Kong's banana hoard, and DK has to get it back with the help of then-newcomer Diddy Kong.

Kongo Jungle

When you start the game, you move from the treehouse (which you cannot access on the overworld map) to Kongo Jungle. (In the Japanese version, the marker to the left of Kongo Jungle is not there in order not to confuse gamers.)

From here, it's time to head out of the jungle in search of all those bananas...

Jungle Hijinxs

Bonus Areas: Two (2)


Also known as "Jungle Japes," which was the level name in a pre-release version of the game and ended up being the name of the first level in Donkey Kong 64.

The Control Pad will let you move around. Y lets you do a rolling attack when pressed and run when held, B lets you jump, and A and Select will allow to switch between Kongs.

Y also lets you pick up a barrel and hold it when held, and throw the barrel when the button is released. By breaking the barrel with the "DK" icon on it, you can free Diddy Kong (or Donkey if he is missing in action). Both Kongs carry barrels differently: Donkey Kong will hold the barrel over his head and throw it hard, while Diddy holds it in front of him like a shield.

If you hold Down and press Y while playing as Donkey, you can do a hand slap. You can perform it in certain areas to find hidden items and also hit enemies with it to steal a banana from them if you're that desperate for an extra life.

If you go into the treehouse at the start, you can bounce off the tire in the ground to grab a 1-Up. Red balloons are worth one extra life, blue ones are worth two and green ones are worth three.

Bananas are the coins of the Donkey Kong Country series. A banana bunch is worth ten bananas, and if you collect one hundred of them, you will get an extra life.

After that, if you can somehow stay on the upper level and jump over some big gaps to get from one tree to another, you'll be able to grab two 1-Ups as well as a 2-Up. Be ready to grab them, as these - and some other extra lives - can fly up and away if you take too long to get them. The best way to get there is to do a superjump. Run to the edge, roll/cartwheel off of it and, while still holding Y and the direction you want to go, press B while dropping down. If you can do it right, you can reach the trees that you could not reach normally. This technique shows up in the sequels as well.

If you drop down to the where the down arrow made out of bananas points too and land on the broken ground there, you can grab a steel keg. You can throw it up against the treehouse, jump onto it, and ride it through parts of the stage. Jump to get off.

The beavers that move back and forth are called Gnawtys, and the green Kremlings in gold armor are Kritters. They are very vanilla enemies and can be rid of in almost anyway imaginable. Just don't run into them or let them touch you, as getting hit causes you lose one Kong (and if you just have one Kong, lose a life).

The huge Kremlings with army helmets are Klumps. Donkey Kong can jump into them, but Diddy cannot; he will have to cartwheel into them with Y to defeat them.

The K-O-N-G letters will give you an extra life if you collect all four.

The ostrich token takes you to a bonus room if you get three of them. There are four kinds of tokens: ostrich, rhinoceros, frog and swordfish, and you will meet these characters as you go through the game.

The barrel with the spinning stars is a continue point. Running through it will give you a checkpoint that you can return to if you lose a life. (If you lose all your lives, however, it won't make much difference.)

The Necky after the continue point tosses nuts around. Avoid the nuts as you try to jump onto it.

Afterwards, there will be a crate with the head of a rhino on the side. Jumping on the crate will free Rambi the rhinoceros. Jump on him, and use Y to attack and run and B to jump. Press A to dismount and continue on foot if you want to. Running into enemies or attacking them will take them out. The wall right after the next pit contains a bonus area. Unlike the sequels, all you have to do to get credit for them is just enter; you don't need to collect everything and you can spend as much time as you need to. Run to the right to collect bananas and jump to get the extra life. Also unlike the sequels, you can only re-enter bonus areas by either losing a life and returning to where the bonus area was or by leaving and re-entering the level.

Unlike the sequels, the animal buddies do not have special abilities that can be activated by holding and then releasing the A button.

When you come out of the wall from exiting that area, the wall to the right below the trees and the G holds another bonus area. Just like the first one, you have to have Rambi to use a barrel to break it open and enter it or else you won't be going in. Here, match up all the tokens that switch from one to another to get that token and "win" the bonus area.

After this point, the stage will get dark (this is for Super Nintendo only; this will not happen on Game Boy Color or Game Boy Advance due to hardware limitations). Enter the cave to get to the goal. No mini-game targets for exits here!

Ropey Rampage

Bonus Areas: Two (2)

This area will be dark and rainy when you enter.

Army the armadillo will roll at you when you get close, and stop after a couple of seconds. If you're playing as Donkey, he will go down in one hit no matter what; if you're playing as Diddy, you'll have to do it in two.

The TNT barrel will explode when it either hits the ground or a wall or hits an enemy after being thrown. Unlike the sequels, if you hold Down and let go of Y to put it down (which can be done with any barrel), the TNT barrel will shake and eventually detonate.

Be sure to handslap in the middle of tree platforms to get some banana bunches.

The ropes that swing back and forth are easy. Just jump into them when they are near you, and hold the direction you want to go and press B to jump off in that direction.

The gap after the O hides a barrel cannon that will automatically take you to a hidden bonus area in a wall. Here, you're just climbing ropes and jumping off them to get bananas and also leave. Leaping into a rope will let you grab on. Up and Down on the Control Pad will let you climb up and down, Left and Right let you switch sides, and holding Left or Right and pressing B will let you jump off in that direction. Hold Y to move faster while on the ropes.

Near the end, you will meet the bees, which are called Zingers. Do not run into them as you swing from one rope to another.

Near the end, you will see a barrel cannon in a pit. Jump into it to enter the bonus area. Pay attention to where the 1-Up is, and carefully jump into the barrel that you think has it. If you win, you get the 1-Up. If you lose, you get nothing.

Cranky's Cabin

Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong, and he makes fun of the modern state of gaming circa 1994 while giving you hints for the early parts of the game. (There are supposed to be hints for the current world you are in, but these hints were not programmed correctly and never show up. This leads to Cranky Kong being nearly useless in this game; in the Game Boy Advance version, this is fixed.)

Reptile Rumble

Bonus Areas: Three (3)


The snakes that move back and forth are Slippas. You can jump on them or roll/cartwheel into them, but they are more formidable when in groups.

The blue Kritters jump up and down as they move forward. Be careful when attacking them.

The wall next to the K is an entrance to a hidden bonus level. The normal barrel (which rolls across the ground when thrown) or the DK Barrel can be used to break it. Here, you can get a few bananas as well as a 1-Up. When you leave the bonus area, you will be launched out and you will run into the first of four blue Kritters in that area. To crawl into narrow corridors, just move into them with the Control Pad. Donkey will automatically get in position, and all you have to worry about is moving.

The huge platform with the DK Barrel that be can be reached with the tire trampoline has a barrel cannon to the left. Jump into it to reach the second bonus area. Jump into the nearby barrel cannon when you enter, and you will be taken to the end.

Be careful around the Zingers near the O. You can duck down in the gaps to avoid them if you need to. If you play around with the barrels, you can find out that the barrels will kill them and that they make a hilarious high-pitched buzzing sound when knocked out that sadly never got used in the sequel (which is too bad, because I like that sound).

The small chasm with the two Skippas in it after the N holds a bonus area entrance within its right wall. Once again, you will have to break that wall with a barrel to get in. Leap onto the tire to get all the bananas.

Use the two blue Kritters after the third bonus area to get the swordfish token.

Coral Capers

Bonus Areas: none

Unlike the sequels, the underwater areas in this game do not have bonus areas. I guess they didn't know how to program them in like they did in the second and third games. You also spend the entire time underwater; you don't switch between wet and dry land like in the sequels.

Press B will allow you to swim, and the Control Pad allows you to change the direction you're going.

The small fish at the beginning are called Bite-Sizes, and the purple octopus is called the Croctopus. You want to avoid the Croctopus at all costs, though if you do exlpore around them, you can find extra lives, a banana hinting a bonus cache of bananas below the floor, and other pick-ups if you're careful.

There are two points in this area where you can find a crate with a swordfish. This is Enguarde the Swordfish, and you can move in any direction with the Control Pad and press Y to stab at an enemy. Be sure you are lined up so Enguarde does not get hit. If he gets hit, he runs away, but if you're fast enough, you can get back on him.

The smaller, dark blue sharks are Chomps Jr., and the bigger, light blue sharks are Chomps. They can only be beaten by Enguarde, as are the Bite-Sizes, and they both move in predictable patterns.

To the right of the Chomps are a hidden area with an ostrich token. If you've picked up three at this point, you can play a bonus game with Expresso the Ostrich. Expresso the Ostrich only appears in this game, and you can run around with Left and Right on the Control Pad and press B to jump. Continuously press B while in mid-air to float in the direction you want to go.

You have a limited time to pick up as many tokens as you can. Every 100 tokens you grab will give you an extra life after time runs out.

If you jump over and float to the left at the start, you can find a lot of tokens that be picked up rather quickly. After that, you can go to the right, pick up as many tokens as you can, and you'll eventually be able to jump up a wall and to the right where you can find a large Golden Expresso. Running into it will double the amount of tokens you currently have. Be sure to pick it up as late as you possibly can.

Also, if you come back from the Expresso bonus stage in Coral Capers, go up after you show back up where the Continue Barrel is. If you go down, you'll go into the floor, and you'll have to swim around in order to get yourself out again. Don't do what I did.

Clambo is a clam that spits pearls out. Pay attention to how many he spits and where all the pearls go.

Funky's Flights

Here, you can go to any world you've already completed and any stage you've already completed. Just jump into the Jumbo Barrel to pick a place. It's free for the entire game, because a currency system wasn't in place until the sequels.

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