Tuesday, August 19, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Bible Buffet - Part 1 of 4

Wherein PrinceWatercress plays with himself.

Yep, a board game. A Bible-based board game, at that. It's one to four players, but it doesn't allow for the NES Four Score or the Satellite. Instead, you're passing the first player controller around. Who can make it through this Candy Land clone first and win?

Playing this game is easy. Spin the wheel and see how many spaces you move. You can move anywhere between one to six paces. The sad face makes you lose a turn and go back two space, while the book gives you a pop quiz.

The pop quiz questions are only in the manual, so as a result I'm usually guessing on every single question and not passing a single quiz, because the manual is in really short supply, and if any copies exist, they'll probably have seen better days.

Regardless of how well you do, you can either move anywhere from one to four space, get a key for one of the stages or get an extra hit point. You can have up to six hit points.

The pop quiz categories that you can select at the beginning of the game range from 100 to 999. There are fifteen questions in each category.

The happy face gives you one of three bonuses: an extra hit point, a key or the hard-to-obtain privilege to move ten spaces forward for that turn.

The question mark spaces give you a bonus, but first you'll have to do a pop quiz. The red circles with a dotted line near them are shortcuts. You can skip forward, but you can also skip backwards too if you land on them...so watch out!

There are twelve lands in the game, and I'll cover three per video. I don't cover every single level, but I do show some stuff off.

Veggie Land

Veggie Land's stages take place on a farm.

Shoot the spoons, forks and knives at enemies to stun them, then touch them for points. Grabbing several stunned enemies in quick succession allows you to get bonus points for each additional enemy.

The spoon goes forward a limited distance. The fork goes longer, but it alternates between straight ahead and two diagonal directions. The knife goes forward and travels the entire distance of the screen.

Potato Land

The floor switches show up first in Veggie Land, but I started seeing them in my playthrough here. If they're green, the switches are on. If not, they're off.

Salad Land

The egg enemies follow the wall and move very fast. If you attack them with the knife, you'll be able to slow them down. After enough time or damage, they explode and the shrapnel travels diagonally.

The salad dressing bottles give you some bonus foods if they land in blank spaces with nothing in them.

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