Monday, July 28, 2014

brickroadbrickroad plays DuckTales - Part 2 of 6

We go to Translyvania, deal with the undead, and ride minecarts.


This level can be very confusing unless you know where to go.

The rocks can be destroyed with the pogo attack, as can the enemies: skeleton ducks (which can only be hit when they're in motion) and the heads of suits of armor. Ghosts are hard to avoid and somewhat track your horizontal position.

At the beginning of the level, you'll meet Webby, who tells you that Huey has been kidnapped.

Whenever you see a coffin, hit it with your gold swing. You may be able to find some treasure. Watch out, as you may find enemies, too! Be sure to use it on the suits of armor as well. Either the head will fall off or the head will change into a treasure box.

The rope you see after meeting Webby will take you to Huey when you go left. Take out the Beagle Boy and talk to Huey, and he'll tell you about the "illusion wall" in the house. Turns out there's a fake wall in this level.

The mummies are restricted by the ball and chain locked on them. Take them out of their misery by using the golf-swing on the ball to get them out of your way. You can also pogo onto their heads if you can.

Keep going right in the same area with Huey and the mummies and you'll find a fake wall. The chest inside has another star, which will bring your HP to the maximum of five hits. Don't even bother golf swinging the coffins here, as both of them have ghosts.

The rope just before the fake wall area takes you to a seemingly unattainable chest in mid-air. Hit the rock to the left of it with the golf swing and it'll rocket into the chest, giving you an extra life. The mirror to the right takes you to the first mine cart segment. Duck to avoid any low-hanging ceilings. Jumping out is simple: just hold the direction you want to go and jump.

There's another fake wall below the mirror that takes you to another room with two mirrors. This is the "illusion wall" that Huey must have been talking about. The mirror to the left takes you back to the beginning, while the one to the right takes you to the boss.

The boss here is Magica de Spell. She turns herself into a bird, then drops down and tries to zap you with lightning bolts. When she stops before she drops down, be ready to jump and hit her with the pogo attack. Sometimes, she'll fly low enough for you to pogo her without having to wait.

When you beat her, you'll get a gold coin and another cool million.

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