Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Jurassic Park Intermission

Here's an easy to perform glitch. Just make your way to the corner behind the gear for the bridge to the ship, then jump north as soon as you can't move in that direction any further. You'll be standing on water. I didn't even know about this as a kid...

 Also, since it doesn't even appear in the video, here's a gameplay video with the T-Rex in it.  

There's only two spots where it shows up (south of the Beach Utility Shed and near the Raptor Nest area), and the only way to deal with it is to shoot at it with the Tranquilizer Darts. Nothing can kill it, but the Tranquilizer Darts can slow it down and even push it all the way off the screen so you won't have to deal with it anymore. It is worth it to let it catch you and eat you, even if you lose a life for it. Seriously, it's awesome.

If you're wondering what the letters are for, they're for a now long-since-finished up contest for the game. Basically, you have to look for all eight secret letters and unscramble them to form the name of some guy. The letters form the name "DR HORNER," and it is a reference to John R. "Jack" Horner, a real-life archaeologist who was not only a technical advisor for all the Jurassic Park films but also a partial inspiration for the character of Dr. Alan Grant. Go ahead and thank him for co-discovering Maiasaura, while you're at it. Yeah, you're welcome.

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