Sunday, March 17, 2013

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Part 2 of 23

We meet our first boss here, and we finally get to level up here as well.

Level Forest - Level Up Time!

When you go back to Level Forest, Kaeli will head up to a tree. Talk to her, and she'll cut it down with the axe.

When you go into battle with her, she'll be on automatic control. Press Y, though, and you'll be able to choose between manual and automatic controls for your ally.

You'll notice that the monsters stand in place. Unlike the rest of the Final Fantasy series, there are no random encounters here. Instead, you can choose to fight or even jump over them. If you want to fight them, walk into them. You'll definitely want to do that here, since it's easy to go up two levels...maybe three.

The Brownies and Slimes are nothing to write home about. I'll be using space in future entries to display the elemental and special strength and weaknesses of monsters in other areas.

The Cure Potions replenish 25% of a characters HP. In Benjamin's case, that number is usually his level number multiplied by ten (his HP always goes up 40 points every time). No set limits of HP or guesswork here!

Kaeli is pretty strong - she can usually kill anything in one hit with her axe. It's pretty nice.

Before you reach the end, you'll find a chest with Heal Potions in it. These cure you of any status ailments you may be afflicted with from the enemy.

When you go up to the tree with the glowing brown outline, Kaeli will try to cut it down. It will revert to an evil Minotaur, who will poison Kaeli. Kaeli will still have enough strength for one last battle...get ready!


You could instantly kill him with Kaeli's Life spell...but if you're going to do this the fun way...

Go all out with your attacks, and heal your characters with Cure, Life or potions if they get down to around 25% of maximum.

When you beat the Minotaur, Kaeli's mom will show up just in time when Kaeli collapses from the poison. To save her, you'll have to get something known as Elixir. She'll give you the Axe, which you'll automatically equip (you'll do this with every new weapon you get). To cut down the small trees, face one and press A with the axe equipped. You'll need this to fight the rest of the monsters and open the rest of the chests. Thankfully, it's much stronger than the sword you had at the beginning.

To switch weapons on the fly, press L and/or R to cycle through them.

World Map

Once again, stuff is done differently than what the Romans do. The arrows signify which directions on the D-Pad you can press to move around, as you can only switch from one area to the next. No free roaming here!

If an arrow is gray, you'll be able to go there, but not yet. You'll have to complete a certain area or finish a certain task before you can continue on.

Sand Temple

When you open the chest, you'll find it's empty.

Enter Tristam. He's a ninja with shurikens, and he'll try to sell the Elixir to you for 9000 GP. Since you obviously don't have that kind of money, he'll strike a deal with you: help him hunt for treasure in the Bone Dungeon, and he'll give the Elixir to you. Fair enough, right? He'll join your party and tell you about the battlefields.

Tristam's armor protects him from Fire attacks as well as instant death...not that it's going to matter. His Ninja Stars also Poison and Paralyze monsters, which is pretty nice. Don't worry about running out; you'll find more in the Bone Dungeon.

Level Forest Battlefield

You'll meet a new enemy here: Mad Plant. The axe makes short work of them!

The battlefields give you up to 10 battles to test your might. When you beat them all, you win something. Sometimes it's a bunch of gold or EXP, but sometimes you'll win an item!

You'll meet another new enemy: Poison Toad. These toads can, of course, Poison you if given the chance.

There's another bug in the game and it involves battlefields. If you level up on the last battle in a battlefield and the reward is extra experience, you level up again regardless of how much EXP you need for that second level. You get two level-ups instead of one. Fun. The downside is that it makes it a little harder to hit the next level as usual.

You win 54 EXP when you clear this battlefield. out. Level-ups for everybody!

Cheat Sheet

Mad Plant 
Weak Against: Axe
Poison Toad
Strong Against: Poison

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