Saturday, March 16, 2013

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Part 1 of 23

A game made for beginners...a game enjoyable for all.

For those of you in Europe: the game is known as Mystic Quest Legend. For those in Japan, it's Final Fantasy USA: Mystic Quest.

I'm covering an RPG...finally!

When the title screen shows up, you'll not only see a tutorial if you don't press any of the buttons, you'll also see a gameplay demo or two. Joy!

The game begins with Benjamin (yes, that's the main character's default name) climbing up the Hill of Destiny and talking to an old man on a cloud after his village gets destroyed. (why he does this, particularly when the hill is in danger, I'll never know.) A monster will pop up after you press B to jump to the other side, and though it's possible to die here, the game will continue to let you try again until you beat it.

Battle With The Behemoth

As you'll see here, the battle interface is pretty simple. Don't worry about being attacked while choosing what to do here; unlike the main Final Fantasy series, this one's entirely turn-based.

Battle lets you choose your tactics, Run lets you run away, Item lets you heal yourself with items, and Control lets you switch between manual and automatic control for Benjamin.

The Battle menu is pretty self-explanatory. Defense lets you block attacks, by the way.

As you wear the Behemoth down, you'll notice some wear and tear on it. This happens with all the monsters you face in the game, and it looks pretty nice.

When you beat the Behemoth, head down to leave. When you enter the World Map, the Hill of Destiny will be obliterated.

Level Forest

Go up and talk to the man on the cloud, then go up and talk to the other old man. Jump over him and move the rock, and he'll give you the Tree Wither and tell you to show it to Kaeli before he runs back to the village.

Push the rock upwards again to access the brown chest. The items in brown chests respawn when you leave the area, so you can max out on items easily if you want to.


You'll find out that the life has been drained not only from the forest, but also its people. Better restore the Earth Crystal...and fast!

The house to the left of the entrance is Kaeli's house. Talk to her to show her the Tree Wither, and she'll take the axe off the wall and join your party.

Interesting stuff about additional part members: you can only have one ally on you at a time, and you can't level them up like you can Benjamin. They'll have enough armor, hit points, and good enough stats and weapons to get you to the next part of your quest before they leave.

Save the game, then reset. You'll then get Kaeli's elemental and special defense to take effect. She's strong against Water attacks, as well as Petrify and Silence. This is a bug in the game, so save and reset whenever you get a new party member.

To get the chest from the old man you helped earlier, enter the house from the back. Open it and you'll get the Cure Spell for Benjamin.

Spells work differently in Mystic Quest. Instead of a pool of MP to work with, you have a set amount of times you can use a certain of magic. There are three magic types: White, Black and Wizard. Kinda like the original version of FF1, eh?

Kaeli has the Life Spell. It revives Benjamin in case he goes down, but it can also restore your health to maximum if you're still alive. It can also kill undead enemies as well as some living ones (that latter one is another bug, by the way). It can also cure status ailments in battle, but this does not happen if you use it outside of battle.

Using a Seed or resting at an Inn will restore your spell charges, so keep that in mind. You won't be finding any Seeds for a little while, so for now the Inns are your friend.

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