Tuesday, February 6, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo AGAIN - Part 4 of 6

It's now time to go through my favorite level with my favorite Power Ranger to play as.

Area 4

Kimberly has probably the best throw in the game, and is closest to the throw that everyone has in their Power Ranger form. She can throw pretty high and she can also throw pretty far, too.

This was always my favorite stage in the game. The music, the level design, it was just perfect.

The laser-shooting robots in the first section aren't destroyable, since you can't reach them in any way because you're not in Ranger mode. Also, you'll have to bust down the doors with a standing combo in order to continue.

After the first door, you'll see chandeliers on the ceiling that will fall on you when you get underneath. They shake a little bit before they finally decide to drop in on you.

As you go further in the first section, you'll notice that there are building materials on the floor as well as unfinished walls. Yep, you guessed it...this is a construction site.

The stairs are the weirdest part of the first section. Then again, crouching down and kicking Putties in the face here is strangely satisfying.

New color Putty here - the brown Putties. The dark brown Putties take four hits, as do the deeper brown-shaded ones, but both types of brown Putty can back up to one side of the screen and toss a throwing dagger at you. Crouch down to avoid the dagger.

The boss here is Genie, some sort of weird, blue Arabian genie rat thing. The Putty Patrollers he sends after you look like they're wearing an eyepatch over one eye. Other than that, they attack in exactly the same way.

The second section has you on a lift. Avoid the electric barriers and attack all the gears and wall-mounted laser blasters that come down to attack you.

If you hold Up and press Y as Kimberly, you can shoot an arrow out of her bow at this point. It's pretty weak, but it allows you to do damage from a distance.

When you get close to the top, fire starts coming out of the lift. Jump up to the platform with the handrail on the bottom and grab on. The lift finally explodes and drops all the way down. Vault upwards and wall jump your way to the top of this section, taking down the spiked robots, laser shooters and brown machine gun Putties as you go.

The third section has bottomless pits in addition to falling girders that act like the flaming pipes from Area 2. Take advantage of those pits and toss your enemies into them!

After crossing that handrail after the bomb, you'll start seeing stationary laser turrets that blow up in two hits.

Shortly afterwards, you'll find two more turrets, a first aid kit...and a mini-boss! Destroy this thing when it's on the upper half of the screen, and watch out for the little fireballs that it shoots out from its "tail end" as well as the hidden cannons at the "head end." You may be tempted to use your bomb here, but it's easy to beat without it and you're better off using it against the boss.

Boss 4: Genie

This guy will teleport around like Gnarly Gnome, and he has several attacks.

The four daggers shoot out at angles, one at a time. You can't damage these, so you'll have to avoid them.

The three metal snakes come one by one, from top to bottom. When he sends them out, jump to the top and jump over the last one. Like the daggers, these can't be destroyed.

The two mirrors fly to the top of the section and try to follow you. When they stop, they face the floor and shoot out a big green laser. Thankfully, these mirrors are the only attack that can be destroyed.

The four fireballs appear at the top of the screen and go downwards. Stand between two of these "pillars of fire" and you'll get away unscathed.

Sometimes, he'll perform a fire breath attack if you're too close. It doesn't happen very often, though, and you can hit him out of it.

When he's near you, let loose with a combo.

If you're playing as Kimberly, you can stand in the center of the screen and hit Genie from anywhere, since her weapon has the longest reach in the game.

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