Sunday, February 4, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo AGAIN - Part 2 of 6

Things get a little more interesting in Area 2. When did the Power Rangers face so many robotic enemies?

Area 2

Billy has a multi-punch attack at the end of the standing combo. Amazingly, you can hit the olive Putties with it even as he try to jump away from you and your coup de grace. He also throws enemies high, but not very far.

In the forest area, you'll see pink laser cannons firing at the ground. You can destroy them by either jump attacking them or by throwing a Putty into them.

The black Putties with a shield can't do anything if you attack them while ducking. Thanks to the shields, they won't be able to duck with you until you disarm them.

The rolling gas cans can be noticed immediately by their loud rolling noise. They can easily be destroyed with a ducking attack.

When you reach the end of the first section, you'll meet Gnarly Gnome. Then you'll fight some more Putties. Then you'll enter a building.

The rails on the red platforms can be grabbed onto by holding Up when you jump. Press Up again, and you'll vault over the handrail and get on top of the platform. The blue platforms act like one-way doors - once you vault onto the top of them, there's no going back.

Lot of mechanical hazards here, including spike tanks, cutters than span the platforms, and indestructible spike disks that follow a small circular path. They aren't too hard to deal with, though.

When you reach the top, you'll be dealing with conveyor belts and falling, flaming pipes while dealing with putties. Stay on the move and remember where the falling pipes land. It'll drop every ten seconds or so. Thankfully, they don't discriminate when it comes to causing damage, so don't be afraid to let the falling pipes do a little of the work for you.

En route to section 3, you'll find a first aid kit. Finally, some extra health you can put to good use.

In section 3, there are flying robots that stop in mid-air every few seconds to drop a bomb. Thankfully, they can die in one hit. There's also another canister with a bomb inside. When you reach the top of the vertical section in the beginning, you'll have to do a wall jump to reach the last platform. To do that, leap next to or toward the wall and keep holding the Control Pad towards the wall. Then, press B and move the Control Pad in the opposite direction. Congratulations. You've wall jumped. (It took me a while to learn this as a kid. Wall jumping was such an original concept for me back in 1994.)

The flying robots at the top will shoot thunder bolts down at you, but once again you can take these things down in one hit. Also, the flames that come out of the little nozzles in the red piping can only damage you when they shoot out fully, so when you see the small fireballs, that's your cue to move away from them before they turn into full-blown pillars. After that, it's another, simpler vertical section.

The cyan Putties with the spiked morning stars only appear in this stage. Thankfully, they can't duck.

Boss 2: Gnarly Gnome

He'll teleport around every few seconds. Gnarly Gnome will either be throwing fireballs at you, shooting projectiles at you with an accordion, or hitting you up close with a rake. You'll only be able to do one strike at a time, so keep on the lookout for him.

When you damage him enough, he'll start teleporting around, switching positions wildly before he stays in one spot long enough to attack you. This time around, you can score a full combo on him. When he stops, go for it. If you haven't used your bomb at this point, do it now.

After you take him down, you'll get another password and it's on to Area 3.

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