Tuesday, February 13, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays The Kingdom of Klein - Part 3 of 6

We've got a lot of exploring in this entry. Read on!

From the edge of the pool, go WEST. You'll be on the beach. Go WEST again, and you'll see a letter G traced in the sand as well as some rocky cliffs to the north. Keep going NORTH to keep walking along the beach until you are at the base of the cliffs, then head EAST to walk along the base of the cliffs. You'll see some rough steps further to the east. Go EAST twice to find a recess. ENTER the recess to find the box of spells that you put in the recess on the other side of the pool. (Had you taken the spells into the pool, you would have lost them and made the game unwinnable.) GET SPELLS, then EXIT the recess. Keep going EAST, and you'll reach the bottom of a staircase. Go UP eight times to reach the top of the staircase and the top of the cliff. (Do not go down from the top of the staircase for any reason; if you do, you will die.) Go NORTH, then keep going WEST until you reach a large open plain.

When you enter the plain, you will see the letter O traced in the earth. Go NORTH once, then keep going WEST until you reach an oak tree. From there, you'll find another letter O carved in the bark. Climb UP the oak tree three times to reach the top and find a dodecahedron. GET DODECAHEDRON. Go back DOWN the tree, then go NORTH once and WEST seven times until you find a small wooden hut. The letter T will be engraved above the door. Hope you've copied down all those letters. You won't be able to enter the hut...yet.

From here, go EAST eleven times and SOUTH twice to go back to the plains entrance, then EAST twice until you see the cliff overhang the beach. If you JUMP right here without hesitation, you will die. Instead, OPEN UMBRELLA, then jump. The umbrella will allow you to float downward and land a lot more gracefully. From here, CLOSE UMBRELLA, then go EAST. (If you haven't closed the umbrella, do it now; otherwise, the umbrella will be blown from your grasp on the next screen and make the game unwinnable.) Head SOUTH and keep going in that direction. Two screens in, you'll find a mysterious star drawn on the beach. Keep that in mind. Go SOUTH again, and you'll encounter a giant sand lizard who watches your every move. The giant sand lizard will get in your way, but he will not kill you. THROW SAND to temporarily blind the sand lizard, then immediately go SOUTH twice before the sand lizard sees you again. (Yes, this part is timed.)

You'll soon see a large circle traced in the sand and brass key on the ground. You'll need to do some inventory management to get the key. DROP OCTAHEDRON, DROP DODECAHEDRON, DROP TORUS, DROP DOLL, DROP EGG, TAKE KEY. You will be back here later to get the five items you've dropped. Now we need to get back to the hut. Go NORTH three times. Thankfully, the sand lizard will not bother you on the way back north. You'll be back on the mysterious star, and once again, the game connects stars with waving the wand. WAVE WAND. You'll be back in the five-pointed star room from earlier where you found the doll. Welcome to the game's first backtracking section, where you'll have to put the spells in the recess again, get back in the pool and swim back to the beach, get the spells out of the recess on the other side, then get to the hut. When you get to the hut, UNLOCK DOOR, then OPEN DOOR and ENTER.

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