Friday, February 9, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo AGAIN - The Longplay

Here's the entire game in one sitting...again. Enjoy.

Area 1

Well, what can I say? Pick your Power Ranger and go.

In this level, you'll basically see how each level is usually like: you walk to the right and beat up Putties. Apparently, they have daggers in this one, which is strange because they never carried daggers in the show. Maybe they're putty knives?

Trini can throw enemies, but she cannot throw them very far as she throws them straight down to the ground.

The grey ones take one hit, but you'll have to use the whole standing combo to take care of a purple one. Some of them will come out of storefront windows, which makes me wonder how they got in there to begin with.

The dark beige Putties take four hits. They're not really any worse than the purple ones, to be honest.

When you reach the end, you'll meet the boss of the area and you'll morph into either the Red Ranger or a Red Ranger re-color, depending on who you're playing as. Get used to seeing this in every single area. 

The second section has flying metal birds that drop bombs on the ground. If you're playing as the Pink Ranger, you'll be able to destroy those wooden things in the background with the bow. You'll be able to pick up benches and throw them at putties.

If you ever see a canister, hit it to find the item underneath. The little cylinder with the lightning bolt in it is a bomb, which you can only use when you're in Ranger form. You can only have one bomb at a time and you cannot stockpile them. When you use a bomb, it destroys everything onscreen until the bomb effect stops. If you see a first aid kit, pick it up. Even if it's full, you can still get health until your health bar is purple, which signifies maximum energy.

You'll also meet the green Putties. The green ones take one hit, but the olive green ones take four. These green Putties, on the other hand, are worse, because of their jump kick that they enter before you can complete a full standing combo. At least the jump kick can be easily avoided.

Boss 1: Bones

Yeah, that's actually what his name is.

When he rears back, he's about to jab at you with his rapier. Duck under it and he'll miss.

If you hit him, he'll try to strike back, but if you use your full standing or crouching combo as quickly as possible, he won't be able to hit you.

Sometimes, he'll jump back and shoot an energy wave that travels towards you. Jump over it and it won't be able to hit you.

When you damage him enough, he'll fall apart and come back together minus his arms. He'll jump around and spit fireballs at you. You won't be able to hit him with a full combo this time, but at least his attacks are easier to avoid.

When he falls apart again, you'll fight only his floating head. When that happens, keep jumping in order to hit him, and stay away when he stops. That's when he's about to spit a fireball at you. If you haven't used your bomb at this point, use it now.

After this form, he'll explode, you'll get your password, and it's on to Area 2.


Control Pad: move left and right, Down to duck
B: jump (double tap to backflip - Ranger form only)
Y: attack (close range with D-Pad to throw; mid-air throws can be done in Ranger form only)
Up+Y: heavy attack (Ranger form only; Pink Ranger fires her bow)
Up-Towards+Y: high throw (close range; Ranger form only)
Down-Towards+Y: triple gut punch (close range; Ranger form only)
X: bomb attack (Ranger form only)

Area 2

Billy has a multi-punch attack at the end of the standing combo. Amazingly, you can hit the olive Putties with it even as he try to jump away from you and your coup de grace. He also throws enemies high, but not very far.

In the forest area, you'll see pink laser cannons firing at the ground. You can destroy them by either jump attacking them or by throwing a Putty into them.

The black Putties with a shield can't do anything if you attack them while ducking. Thanks to the shields, they won't be able to duck with you until you disarm them.

The rolling gas cans can be noticed immediately by their loud rolling noise. They can easily be destroyed with a ducking attack.

When you reach the end of the first section, you'll meet Gnarly Gnome. Then you'll fight some more Putties. Then you'll enter a building.

The rails on the red platforms can be grabbed onto by holding Up when you jump. Press Up again, and you'll vault over the handrail and get on top of the platform. The blue platforms act like one-way doors - once you vault onto the top of them, there's no going back.

Lot of mechanical hazards here, including spike tanks, cutters than span the platforms, and indestructible spike disks that follow a small circular path. They aren't too hard to deal with, though.

When you reach the top, you'll be dealing with conveyor belts and falling, flaming pipes while dealing with putties. Stay on the move and remember where the falling pipes land. It'll drop every ten seconds or so. Thankfully, they don't discriminate when it comes to causing damage, so don't be afraid to let the falling pipes do a little of the work for you.

En route to section 3, you'll find a first aid kit. Finally, some extra health you can put to good use.

In section 3, there are flying robots that stop in mid-air every few seconds to drop a bomb. Thankfully, they can die in one hit. There's also another canister with a bomb inside. When you reach the top of the vertical section in the beginning, you'll have to do a wall jump to reach the last platform. To do that, leap next to or toward the wall and keep holding the Control Pad towards the wall. Then, press B and move the Control Pad in the opposite direction. Congratulations. You've wall jumped. (It took me a while to learn this as a kid. Wall jumping was such an original concept for me back in 1994.)

The flying robots at the top will shoot thunder bolts down at you, but once again you can take these things down in one hit. Also, the flames that come out of the little nozzles in the red piping can only damage you when they shoot out fully, so when you see the small fireballs, that's your cue to move away from them before they turn into full-blown pillars. After that, it's another, simpler vertical section.

The cyan Putties with the spiked morning stars only appear in this stage. Thankfully, they can't duck.

Boss 2: Gnarly Gnome

He'll teleport around every few seconds. Gnarly Gnome will either be throwing fireballs at you, shooting projectiles at you with an accordion, or hitting you up close with a rake. You'll only be able to do one strike at a time, so keep on the lookout for him.

When you damage him enough, he'll start teleporting around, switching positions wildly before he stays in one spot long enough to attack you. This time around, you can score a full combo on him. When he stops, go for it. If you haven't used your bomb at this point, do it now.

After you take him down, you'll get another password and it's on to Area 3.

Area 3

This level takes place in the sewers.

Jason's throw has the shortest range. He just throws the enemies straight down with authority. 

The first section not only has an abundance of purple Putties, but also pieces of metal that still have electricity running through them (the water doesn't help) and spiders.

The wooden crate that you see when you reach dry land again has a drumstick. This acts like the first aid kit. When you defeat the Putties near it, you'll see a new mechanical hazard: large, spinning nails that fall to the ground and explode when you get under them. Thankfully, like just about anything mechanical in the game, you can take it down in one blow.

You'll meet Eye Guy, morph into a Power Ranger, and take down some more Putties before you go deeper into the sewers.

In the second section, you'll be crawling through spaces too low to walk through. To do that, get next to the entrance of a crawlspace and press Down-Towards on the D-Pad. Your Ranger will instantly crawl. Be sure to stay away from the yellow Putty carrying the spikes when you crawl in one (he'll be fair game when you come out the other end).

You'll also see robots flying in the air that shoot lasers (similar to what you saw in Area 2) as well as pipes on the walls that shoot out some sort of blue steam. When you reach a green background with a stone floor, the floor will collapse when you take down the first two purple Putties. You'll fall into the water, which will rise and fall at regular intervals. Use the Control Pad to swim around and avoid the Putties. (Be sure to hold down to avoid being hit with the Putties' knives, as the hit detection when you're swimming is quite good.

When you reach the end of this section, you'll find a steel girder blocking your path than you can smash open when the water is low. After that, grab the first aid kit that comes afterward and wait for the water to lower if necessary.

Once the water recedes, you'll be wall-jumping again, and this time on a grander scale. The only thing you'll have to worry about are steam-shooting pipes and laser-shooting robots.

The third section has a lot of water. You'll be swimming around to avoid Putties you won't be able to attack as well as avoiding spinning fan blades and circular spiked discs that damage you if you touch them.

The canister in the area has another bomb, while the canister shortly after it has a first aid kit. That's nice.

Boss: Eye Guy

This guy is really easy if you know what to do.

For his first form, avoid his lasers as well as the eyes he shoots out when he close the huge eyeball that makes up his face. When he jumps into the air and glows blue, get away from him, as he's going to hit you with a crush attack.

His second form is a flying eye. He'll shed his entire body and come back as that big eye that covered his face. It'll fly around, switching positions on the screen three times before firing a blue fireball at you. Avoid the fireball and keep hitting him in mid-air. If you haven't used your bomb yet, do so now; it'll make your work easier.

Area 4

Kimberly has probably the best throw in the game, and is closest to the throw that everyone has in their Power Ranger form. She can throw pretty high and she can also throw pretty far, too.

This was always my favorite stage in the game. The music, the level design, it was just perfect.

The laser-shooting robots in the first section aren't destroyable, since you can't reach them in any way because you're not in Ranger mode. Also, you'll have to bust down the doors with a standing combo in order to continue.

After the first door, you'll see chandeliers on the ceiling that will fall on you when you get underneath. They shake a little bit before they finally decide to drop in on you.

As you go further in the first section, you'll notice that there are building materials on the floor as well as unfinished walls. Yep, you guessed it...this is a construction site.

The stairs are the weirdest part of the first section. Then again, crouching down and kicking Putties in the face here is strangely satisfying.

New color Putty here - the brown Putties. The dark brown Putties take four hits, as do the deeper brown-shaded ones, but both types of brown Putty can back up to one side of the screen and toss a throwing dagger at you. Crouch down to avoid the dagger.

The boss here is Genie, some sort of weird, blue Arabian genie rat thing. The Putty Patrollers he sends after you look like they're wearing an eyepatch over one eye. Other than that, they attack in exactly the same way.

The second section has you on a lift. Avoid the electric barriers and attack all the gears and wall-mounted laser blasters that come down to attack you.

If you hold Up and press Y as Kimberly, you can shoot an arrow out of her bow at this point. It's pretty weak, but it allows you to do damage from a distance.

When you get close to the top, fire starts coming out of the lift. Jump up to the platform with the handrail on the bottom and grab on. The lift finally explodes and drops all the way down. Vault upwards and wall jump your way to the top of this section, taking down the spiked robots, laser shooters and brown machine gun Putties as you go.

The third section has bottomless pits in addition to falling girders that act like the flaming pipes from Area 2. Take advantage of those pits and toss your enemies into them!

After crossing that handrail after the bomb, you'll start seeing stationary laser turrets that blow up in two hits.

Shortly afterwards, you'll find two more turrets, a first aid kit...and a mini-boss! Destroy this thing when it's on the upper half of the screen, and watch out for the little fireballs that it shoots out from its "tail end" as well as the hidden cannons at the "head end." You may be tempted to use your bomb here, but it's easy to beat without it and you're better off using it against the boss.

Boss 4: Genie

This guy will teleport around like Gnarly Gnome, and he has several attacks.

The four daggers shoot out at angles, one at a time. You can't damage these, so you'll have to avoid them.

The three metal snakes come one by one, from top to bottom. When he sends them out, jump to the top and jump over the last one. Like the daggers, these can't be destroyed.

The two mirrors fly to the top of the section and try to follow you. When they stop, they face the floor and shoot out a big green laser. Thankfully, these mirrors are the only attack that can be destroyed.

The four fireballs appear at the top of the screen and go downwards. Stand between two of these "pillars of fire" and you'll get away unscathed.

Sometimes, he'll perform a fire breath attack if you're too close. It doesn't happen very often, though, and you can hit him out of it.

When he's near you, let loose with a combo.

If you're playing as Kimberly, you can stand in the center of the screen and hit Genie from anywhere, since her weapon has the longest reach in the game.

Area 5

Zack has a high throw much like Billy. He also does a split kick at the end of his standing combo, and if an olive green Putty jumps over you as you perform it, you'll be able to hit the Putty at the least second and knock them out of the air.

The dark brown Putties take one hit now.

The grey Putties here have swords. Those swords can do a bit of damage, so watch out when you're in close...they will swing.

When you make it to the end of the first section, you'll meet the Dark Warrior, who happens to be my favorite boss out of all five in the side-scrolling areas. You'll see why.

The second section is a cave that soon transforms into an underground facility. The rolling oil drums from Area 2 are back, so watch for that tell-tale rolling sound. You'll see another laser shooting robot, but you won't be able to reach him even with a high throw.

The third section takes place in some sort of underground base, complete with computer monitors, covered-up machine guns and ceiling mounted security lasers. You'll soon reach a lift. When you go up, you'll enter a long corridor complete with an infinite amount of Putties. When you hear what sounds like an alarm, crouch down in one of the small gaps or vault up one of the handrails. It's a laser that will take down anything in its path, including Putties. You'll eventually find the laser in the end. Crouch down next to it and keep using your full crouching combo. If any Putties, take care of them unless the giant laser beam is firing. It's just a short run to the exit from there.

Boss 5: Dark Warrior

This guy has a bunch of attacks. He'll hop around and throw a bomb downward whenever he stops in mid-air, and you'll need to be directly under him in order to get him to do that. You can just move to the side to avoid the explosion, then pop him when he lands. If you knock him to either side of the room, he'll teleport away from you.

The sword allows him to come at you with a dashing jab. He'll also swing it at you if you're in close. Other than that, he doesn't do much else with it. He'll appear at least once during the battle with a whip whenever he teleports, and he can use that to strike at a distance without having to move. At least you can jump over both of these attacks.

Other than that, he's really not that hard.

When you beat the Dark Warrior, you'll see the Power Rangers summon Megazord in Mode 7 glory.

Area 6

Welcome to the Megazord mode!

In the next two stages, you'll be fighting giant monster bosses with the Megazord. This is just like playing a fighting game, except that you have to press B to jump.

The first boss is Mutitis, and has a few attacks. Jump over its eye beams, and stay away from the green puke that it vomits into the floor. He will also shoot a few projectiles from the white face in its body, and it only does this when its power meter is full. He also has a claw swipe (with extending fingernails) as well as a shoulder ram attack.

Thankfully, you have a power meter as well. As you fill it up, you can shoot out projectiles, flames that run on the ground towards your opponent, aerial fireballs that go towards the ground, and a giant energy wave that does a good amount of damage if and when it hits the enemy.

When the enemy's life goes all the way down, you've won! Try not to die, though. You only have one life as the Megazord.

Area 7

First Form

Here, you'll face Cyclopsis, a giant Zord-like robot piloted by Goldar, for the final battle of the game.

The red fireballs that this guy throws can be very easily avoided with a jump. You'll also hear them coming, too. He'll also punch you out if you're too close. If his power meter fills up, he'll shoot a big blue fireball at you that you can easily jump over. Use a lot of low strikes, especially when jumping. 

Second Form

When you try to finish him off, he'll block your sword slash, turn gold and grow sharp thorns for knuckles. He's the same as before, you'll just have a smaller life meter (unless you did well on the first form). However, he's harder to hurt because he takes less damage and deals more. Same strategies apply, though.

Congrats! You did it!

Megazord Controls

Control Pad: Move around and duck (move away to block)
B: Jump (does shoulder block in close)
Y: Swing sword
Down+Y: Swing sword low
Up+Y: Overhead sword swing (uses a little bit of your power)
X: Use projectile weapon (must fill certain amount of power meter; higher power meter = better attacks)

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