Saturday, August 12, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Magical Pop'n - Part 4 of 6

This stage gets a little difficult about halfway through, but thankfully it calms down. The game forces you to think a little 

Stage 4

The demons with the pterodactyl wings that come to life from their statue forms can be hit from below. Get under a statue and start swinging upwards by holding Up and pressing Y. You'll get a hit in early. You can then jump up for the second upward slash.

The blocks with the laser cannons will shoot at you, but you can push them around and even stand on them to jump to higher platforms. You can crawl into them to push them without getting hurt by the laser.

The water acts as a conveyor belt that pushes you back. Also, the Stage 1 boss returns as a mini-boss and the same strategies apply, although there is a new one that you can do. Believe it or not, you can strike it with the grappling hook and do damage. Also, if the demon is at the extreme sides of the room, you can get under it, jump up and slash upwards.

The blue dragons are like the red ones from Stage 1, but they spit ice at you. The penguins move back and forth, and when they stop to look around, they will slide at you soon afterwards.

Watch out for blocks with spikes that are moving around. Thankfully, you can use them as platforms.

Use the laser in the part with the low spiked ceiling to take out the penguin. You can shoot through the wall to defeat it, believe it or not. From there, lightly tap the jump button so you don't hurt yourself on the spikes.

The blue mummy still has the extendo-arms attack, but he can also throw rocks at you.

The bouncing blue balls are indestructible. Just run under them.

The statue face on the wall shoots a five-way shot from far away. Thankfully, you can hit the projectiles with your sword. Be ready to do that so you don't get knocked backwards on the last platform when you see one for the first time. After that, go down and to the left through the fake wall for a health extension. You'll probably be needing health at this point, especially with the two wall faces shooting five-way shots on both sides of the room.

This is the first stage in which you will see floor switches. Sometimes they will drop down enemies that you will have to defeat before moving on, and others will open doors. Some switches will only stay pressed for some time, however. There are others still that require pushing the blocks with the laser cannons on them. Once again, remember to crawl when you push them to ensure you don't get blasted.

You will pass by four torches at one point, with one of the torches being unlit. Remember this for later. In the next room, you will be in a large room where platforms move in a circle. Make your way to the top, and watch for the wall face lasers. The door on the left leads to another chamber where a laser block has to be pushed onto a button. After another room where the floor switch gives you another , you'll need to beat up a bunch of big blue guys with bones. Thankfully, they are easy to defeat as long as you are quick with your sword. From there, hold Down and press B to drop down and enter another magic spell chamber where you can get the Flame spell.

With the Flame spell, you can shoot a little magic flamethrower that can be used to melt ice blocks that are in your way. It uses three stars when you use it, and the longer you hold the A button down, the more stars you will use overtime. You're better off holding the A button to melt the ice blocks, as it is a lot faster than just pressing it repeatedly. Also, the Select button allows for a full-screen fire attack that burns all enemies, but it also uses a ton of stars to cast. Thankfully, the room where you find the spell has a chest with a big star in it.

Go back to the torch room and use the Flame spell to light the torch to unlock a hidden door. Inside is four statue heads. From there, you can go back to the lower-right corner of the platform room and melt the ice to continue on.

The blue dragons in the icy castle corridor will roll up big snowballs and create a big snowman king. This is the next mini-boss. Hit the mini-boss in the head with either your sword, the laser or the grenade. Stay on the sides to avoid the attack where he sends his body at you. It won't be long before he goes down.

In the next area, hit the plants with your sword and watch the ceiling for icicles that will fall down when you get close enough to them. Wait for the platforms to re-appear before jumping on them to get to the next door. From here, you'll have to stay on the streams of water while jumping over the snowballs that move towards you pretty quickly to get to the end. In the next room, you'll have to jump on the moving platforms with the spikes at the side to get to the door above.

For the next room, you'll need to hit the switch to the right, then go down, avoid the spiked blocks and the penguins, and get to the door above before the platforms disappear. This may take a few tries. You'll then have to stand between the bouncing blue balls and avoid the wall face projectiles as you hit the switch and get to the door before it closes.

After a room with some penguins and some icicles (the later of which can be struck with the sword), your grappling hook skills will be put to the test. You'll have to hit the switch on the far right, then quickly get to the door that is being blocked by the mummy. There are two destinations at the top. The chest on the left contains a statue head, while there is a mummy on the right. If you need to, take out the mummy first before going for the chest and the door. 

After one more room where you can get health and stars, you'll fight some more pterodactyl demons and get another stretch to refill health and stars. You'll then face a giant water snake. This is the boss. For the first part of the battle, stay near the snake and duck down so you don't get lunged at, and hit the water snake in the face with your sword when it is low enough.

Eventually, it will turn red and go in and out of the water. There are only two areas where it can surface, but it can still take you off guard. Equip the Flame spell, and when the water snake sinks into the water before surfacing again, use the Flame spell to hit the water snake on its way back up. From there, you'll need to get away from the water projectiles that it kicks up. It will take a while, but you will eventually beat this boss and continue to Stage 5.

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