Thursday, August 24, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Super Bomberman - Part 3 of 7

In World 3, we meet one of the antagonists of the game for the first time. We also get a slew of new enemies and power-ups.

World 3

Stage 3-1

The yellow and grey blocks are the hard blocks; the red plants are the soft blocks.

The green guys wearing purple are the worst enemies here. You'll have to take them out pretty quickly. They take one hit to defeat, but they can burrow into the ground and make themselves invulnerable while they do it, and once they jump into the dirt, they can pop up virtually anywhere on the playfield. They will also chase after you if they see you.

The cabbages with the eyepatches take one hit to defeat and don't really do anything special.

The red bomb icon is the Bomb Passer turns your bombs red. When your bombs are red, the explosions from your bombs can go through soft blocks and enemies, making hard blocks your sole source of shelter.

Stage 3-2

The blue, one-eyed blobs are back. Other than that, there's not much to say about this level.

Stage 3-3

The blue sphere enemies roll around and take one hit to kill, but they can double back. They can also go through the soft blocks.

Stage 3-4

The blocks that look like copper coils are the hard blocks; the gray circles with the rotating ball bearings are the soft blocks.

The gray guys with the yellow hard hats take two hit to kill; the red and blue guys take three hits and tend to stay away from your bombs.

If you need Remote Bombs, you can find them here.

Stage 3-5

The gold horned enemies with the flashing eyes take two hits to defeat, and they will charge at you if they see you.

Stage 3-6

The chameleon heads just move around and take one hit to defeat, but they can transform into Bomberman and go after you. While they are in Bomberman form, they are invincible until they turn back to chameleon head form, and hitting them will only stun them.

You can also get the Bomb Passer icon here.

Stage 3-7

There is a gold flame icon which, when picked up, makes your explosions so long that they can encompass the length of the playfield. If you grab it, play carefully.

Stage 3-8

The boss is one of the antagonists of the game in a machine that moves back and forth. Watch out for the claws that shoot to the bottom of the screen, and take out the missiles that come out whenever you can. The claws open before they shoot out. You'll need to hit the machine with the explosions from your bombs as it moves around. Whatever you do, don't stay directly across from the boss.

Once you beat the boss, you'll free a bunch of Bombermen, then it is on to World 4.

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