Saturday, June 10, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Bugs Bunny & Taz: Timebusters - Part 15 of 23

In this entry, we free the rest of the genies and complete Sunset Alleys. All that's left is the other two areas.

0:59 - The Super Spin opens up The Taz Mahal Challenge, which you must pay twenty carrots to play. Here, you'll have to power up Taz's Super Spin and hit all the monkeys that are coming out of the vases when they appear as they appear before the Super Spin runs out. You must do this for three rooms. The first room has four vases, the second room has five, and the third room has six. Be sure to break stuff in the corners in each room. Completing each room will net you gears. 

5:05 - You guessed it...The Soccer Game is another twenty-carrot sports game. Square kicks the ball when you have it, and tackles your opponent when you don't. You'll need as much distance between you and the other two guys as possible, and you'll need a little bit of distance to kick the ball so that it goes over the goalie or bounces off of him and over.

10:06 - In the Fire Temple, use the tiptoe and helicopter spin so you don't break the cracked platforms on the way to the Water Genie. There is a shield you can pick up, but you can get to the genie and the gears rather easily. 

11:18 - The Genie Temple, the Boss Coin and the last of the gears you can get in Sunset Alleys for the moment are all nearby.

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