Monday, November 7, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays DuckTales (NES) AGAIN - Part 4 of 5

In the Himalayas, we get our second health extension without getting horribly maimed or sent down a pit by spiders before taking on the Yeti.

The Himalayas

Don't pogo on the snow, or you'll get stuck. Thankfully, you can leap out by simply jumping. Also, if you go all the way to the right, you'll find a secret path leading underground.

Once you're underground, watch out for icicles that fall from the ceiling when you get close enough to them. As you move around, you'll find that using the pogo stick attack also helps you jump higher than usual. You'll definitely want to make use of that here. Also, watch out for the icy floors; just tapping the direction you want to go once is enough to make you skid.

Leap to the left after talking to Huey. You'll find an invincibility medal. This makes it easier to move further to the left, where you'll find Bubba the Caveman. The icicles will fall when you get close to them.

There's also another invincibility medal in one of the ice blocks en route to Huey as well.

When you find Bubba the Caveman encased in ice, move the steel can to the left wall so you can pogo into him. He'll open up a wall which contains a chest. Inside is a starburst, which gives you an additional hit on your health meter. Saving this as the second one to get is well-advised.

There are a few secret areas here. One of them involves pogoing into the air and jumping through the gaps in the ceiling, while another involves pogoing left off of a Beagle Boy and pushing those steel cans away. The first one contains an extra life if you jump all the way to the left.

The hockey ducks knock blocks into you, with their hockey swing acting like your golf swing. After that, they're pretty easy to deal with. Watch out for the spiders as you go through the deeper levels.

Move out of the way of the boulder as you climb the rope.

To the left of the Beagle Boy near the end is some hidden treasure. Pogo off the guy to the left and smack the cans out of the way to reach it.

The boss here is the yeti. To beat him, hit him in the head with the pogo attack and avoid the snowballs that come down when he punches the wall before hitting him again. He's pretty easy. He'll go down after five hits, like all the other bosses.

When you beat a boss, you'll get a treasure chest. Open it up for a crown that's worth a million dollars.

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