Friday, November 11, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Ghostbusters II (Game Boy) - Part 3 of 3

It's time to head to the museum to bust some ghosts and beat Vigo once and for all!


This level has six floors, making it the longest part of the game.

Dana shows up in this area to help you out at time, much like Louis.

The dolls are much like the one-eyed ghosts from the sewers, except they do not seem to run around as much.

Amazingly, you can trap people from behind the tables are low enough.

9:04 - What.

The flying enemies with the tails can show up unexpectedly, so watch out on the later floors.

The boss battle has two parts. The first is against Janosz Poha, who will move back and forth across the room and shoot projectiles at you. Keep your distance against Janosz, and if the game hands you any power-ups, make good use of them.

The second part is against Vigo the Carpathian. Vigo will summon a bunch of homing projectiles that fly across the screen; stay on the move to avoid them. After he stands around long enough, he moves back before moving back and forth while shooting multiple projectiles. Thankfully, that part is easier. Shoot down projectiles whenever you can along with Vigo himself, and make sure to get a barrier or a weapon power-up if the game drops it. You'll beat Vigo before you know it, you'll save Baby Oscar and you'll also save New York! You just beat Ghostbusters II!

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