Friday, November 4, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays DuckTales (NES) AGAIN - Part 1 of 5

It's about time I got back to this. This time, we're going for $10 million and the best ending.

Note: this game assumes you're playing on the Normal difficulty. You can also choose Easy or Difficult on the title screen. Easy gives you more health.

You also get a land select screen that allows you to play the game's five levels in any order you choose. We'll be going from top to bottom this time around as we go for $10 million and the best ending. You know what to do at this point: play as Scrooge McDuck, explore the game's levels, beat the bosses, get all the treasures as well as the hidden ones in some of the stages, and stay the world's richest duck.

The Amazon

Left and Right left you move around, Down lets you duck, and A jumps. To attack, you'll need to hold Down and press B in mid-air to get into a pogo stick position, then hold Down in order to keep bouncing. You can hold Down-Left and Down-Right to move and pogo at the same time. Use this attack to not only beat up enemies and destroy blocks, but also to open chests. 

Bigger gems are worth more than smaller ones, and red gems are worth more than orange ones. Ice cream will refill one unit of health, while cakes will refill all of your health. Be sure to jump around and pogo around everywhere, as you'll never know when a hidden item will pop up.

Scrooge McDuck dolls give you extra lives.

If you go up to a solid object and keep moving into it, Scrooge McDuck will go into a golf swing pose. Keep holding the D-Pad toward the object and press B to swing the club. This allows you to move drums and blocks but also allows you to smack certain things to get gems - or enemies - out of them.

The red plants cannot be hurt; don't even bother trying to defeat them.

The spiders move up and down when you approach them; wait for them to move back up before moving under them.

When you go underground shortly after the start, smack the can to the statue to pogo left over the wall. There are some pick-ups here, but there's more! On the way back up, go left first. You'll find another secret area!

Use the pogo attack to get across the spikes unscathed.

The bees move around in a sine wave pattern and can be a bit of a pain. Pogo attack them only if you really have to.

Use the pogo attack to grab on to the rope at the bottom of Launchpad McQuack's plane. Press Down to let go, but watch out for bees!

Be careful on the rock bridge. It will fall and easily take you with it if you rest for even a second. I usually pogo across.

Whenever you see Launchpad McQuack, you have a chance to return to the land select screen. You'll only be able to do this once, so be sure you have all the money you need before doing this. Thankfully, it's free. From here, you can start over and get all the stuff you picked up all over again; the only difference is that Launchpad will be gone.

Speaking of Launchpad, go left of where he is and across the ceiling to get some gems.

There is a bonus level you can get from taking the ride back to Duckberg and the land select screen. You need a 7 in the ten thousands digit of your current score (e.g.; 170,000), and if you can do that, you'll get an auto-scrolling section where Gyro Gearloose will drop treasure down as you keep heading left. The extra treasure can help if you can get it!

After Launchpad, there will be a boulder; keep moving right and pogo over the spikes to get past it. 

The guys with the spears will throw spears at you. At the statue head where you start seeing them, jump up to spawn a chest. The chest contains an M medal, which gives you temporary invincibility that kills any enemy that touches you as you flash and the special music plays. You don't want that, however; instead, bounce straight up off the chest into the gap in the ceiling with the pogo attack, then hold Up on the D-Pad to grab a rope. This takes you to a shortcut you can take straight to the boss. Not taking the shortcut will take you to a statue who will force you to pay $300,000 to continue to the boss. You don't want to pay all that hard-earned money, so take the shortcut.

To beat the boss, jump on its head with the pogo attack, then get in the air when the boss jumps up and hits the ground to avoid being stunned by the earthquake. After five hits, the boss goes down. Open up the chest to get your hands on the scepter, which is worth a cool million. You'll also get bonus money based on the amount of time you have left.

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