Friday, September 9, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Part 2 of 10

In this entry, we give the ghost a good thrashing, then re-explore the village now that everything has opened back up.

When you enter the Horo Temple, you'll enter the second part of the Warlock Zone, which is a side-scrolling area. The tanuki statue will tell you that you are entering dangerous territory before disappearing You can still attack in four directions like in the RPG part, but you can crawl with Down-Left and Down-Right on the Control Pad to duck and move under some attacks and you can drop down ledges by holding Down and pressing B.

The samurai zombies are easy to take out, but the lantern fires fly around. Be ready to hit them as soon as they show up so you don't have to worry about them flying around.

When you approach the temple bell, a ring of fireballs will fly around you, but if you strike the bell, you'll destroy all of the flames at once. Grab as much money as you can here.

Underneath the bell is a hidden area. The Golden Lucky Cat will increase your maximum health by two units, but only for the current Warlock Zone. You'll only find them in hidden areas, and never out in the open.

If you see jars, smash them for items. The golden elephant acts as a checkpoint that allows you to start from where you found it as opposed to the beginning of the level should you lose a life. The zombies that move around underground will pop up just next to you, so let them come to you.

The boss here is the temple ghost. The ghost will spin plates and send them at you, and you'll need to hit the plates back and send them into her head to damage her. If you need to, jump over them to avoid them.

When you beat the boss, you'll free the ninja cat Kurobei. He gives you $100, then tells you to go to Shikoku Island and meet with the boss ninja cat, Koban. From here, you'll head back to town, where all the enemies will be human again. You can also go into shops.

The secret maze is a place where you can look for hidden power-ups, provided you have $100 to play it. You'll be in a first-person view, and the picture of your character will show what direction you are facing. The map will fill up the map for the maze should you find it, although you can see where you've been without it. The red question mark box is an extra life, so grab it if you find it. The red door is the entrance, while the blue door is the exit. If you find the exit, you can keep whatever you've found. If you go back through the red door, you'll get nothing. If you want, you can enter the maze over and over again to give yourself an edge in the later Warlock Zones.

The house with the question mark is the fortune teller. If you spend money to get your fortune told, you'll get some funny dialogue sometimes, but other times, you can get kimono women to show up all over for a bunch of money or a bunch of enemies to show up at once for a nice fight and a good opportunity to get some money.

There is a game zone you can play with three games: a whack-a-mole game where you hit moles for power-ups and money, a ball-throwing game where you have to throw a ball at the top of a statue's head when an arrow is directly above it, and a painting game where you have to press the Control Pad to keep from running into areas where you've already painted as the game gets faster and faster until you paint as much of the white space on the screen as you can. If you can play any of these games well, you can get back the money you paid to play them and then some.

The mole bashing mini game uses the buttons on the Control Pad and the face buttons. The left set of holes are hit with the individual directions on the Control Pad, while the holes on the right are hit with A, B, X and Y. Thankfully, both sets of holes are in a cross pattern, so it's easy to figure out and see which D-Pad direction and which face buttons hit which holes. Everything you hit gets you money, with yellow moles giving $1, red moles giving $2 and Ebisumaru giving $5. If you can hit every mole that you see before time is up, you'll get a $300 perfect bonus.

The gambling house lets you gamble money. If your dice roll is less than 10, it is low. If it is greater than 11, it is high. Pick between low and high and choose how much you wager, and if you make the right choice, you'll double your money; otherwise, you'll get nothing.

The travel agency allows you to go to the next level. The more you spend, the better the ride will be and the more health you restore between levels.

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