Saturday, September 17, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Part 10 of 10

In this entry, we bust out of jail and bring the fight to the Hannya Army to save Princess Yuki once and for all!

Warlock Zone IX: Final Story

At the start of the level, Yae will show up and tell you that the counterfeiters she has been looking for are working from inside of the castle. She then frees you from your prison cell and tells you that the real king is being held in another cell somewhere.

The guards will shoot at you with guns, and they have three-way shots that can spread out pretty well. You'll want to take them out quickly or take them out from the side. By talking to the people, you'll find out that the prisoners are innocent people who are forced to make counterfeit money.

There are two jutsu schools where you can learn any technique you need for just in case. There are also shops all the way to the south. where you can buy things just like in any of the other village.

By staying in the prison cell area to the north of the shops, you'll be able to find the king. He will tell you that the castle was taken over by the Hannya Army, and that it will be the end of everyone if they are not stopped. He will also tell you of a hidden passage in the walls, and that hidden passage will be near your cell. Just go back to your cell and strike the north wall.

Strike the red ball walls to get rid of them.

Once you make it to the buildings, watch out for the guys carrying the cups, as they will jump from ground level to roof level and change directions. There will also be guys firing guns, but they stay in place and fire the whole time.

You'll soon catch up with Yae, who will tell you that the Hannya Army is using the counterfeit money to turn Ryukyu Castle into a flying castle. Also, Princess Yuki is in the castle, and we'll have to rescue her.

The stationary clouds will disappear when you jump on them, but the ones that move around are completely solid. You'll have to jump quickly on the stationary clouds. Also, the soldiers will be moving back and forth here.

Once you enter the flying castle, you'll be able to get an elephant statue before entering a boss rush. You'll face the Lantern Man from the second level and the Otafu Army mask from the fourth level before facing the Hannya Army Shogun. If you lose a life at any point, you'll be going back to the Lantern Man and the start of the boss rush. Same strategies for the Lantern Man and the Otafu Army Mask apply, but for the Otafu Army Mask, the sumo fighters don't show up this time around.

The Hannya Shogun will ride on a dog and shoot giant arrows into the air. You'll need to strike the arrows to send them back at dog's head, as shooting any lower will cause the dog to swipe the arrows away. If the Shogun gets too close to the left side, stay near the front of the dog.

Once you defeat the dog, the dog will transform back into a fox and run away. The Shogun will then roll around. Stay at the ends of the screen to avoid him, and hit him when he uncurls himself. When he moves back and forth and bounce around, hit him with your money or other projectiles.

When the Hannya Shogun refuses to give up after the battle and threatens to kill Princess Yuki, the fox disappears after the Shogun breaks the deal between them by refusing to set Princess Yuki free. The Shogun, now powerless without the fox, threatens to kill Princess Yuki, but Goemon is able to knock the mask off of the shogun to reveal he is a helpless old man and save the day. You've won!

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