Thursday, September 13, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Streets of Rage 2 - Part 4 of 4

Whoever drew and animated Mr. X did a really good job. He looks very good in this game!

Stage 7

First Section - Factory

You'll be beating up every enemy and mini-boss you've seen for the umpteenth time, and on the harder difficulties they really come out in numbers! Get all the power-ups, use the conveyor belts to your advantage, and wait for the bikers in the background to stop throwing their bombs!

Second Section - Elevator

There's a turkey hidden behind one of the domes, but wait until you really need it before you go get it. There are a lot of enemies here, and just like the elevator level in the last game, the enemies' life bars get bigger as you fight on. You'll be dealing quite a few enemies, and you'll be dealing with all the mini-bosses you didn't see in the first section again.

When the elevator makes it all the way up, you'll fight two robots, Particle and Molecule. If you grab them, make your attacks quick, as they will shock you. Stay on the move so you don't get beaned with their eye laser when they line up with you, and watch out for the spiked ball that spins around when they stand still. When you defeat a robot, it explodes, so stay away from one when you destroy it.

Stage 8

First Section - Ground Level

You'll have to fight some robots again as soon as you begin the stage. Just when you thought your robot fighting days were over...

You'll also have to face R. Bear's palette-swapped relation, Bear Jr. (Is it his son? I dunno.) Hope you got that pipe from that enemy and brought it here, otherwise you'll be doing more moving than usual.

Second Section - Elevator

You'll be doing some more fighting here. You'll be stopping at three floors and fighting a mini-boss before you finally reach the top and meet Mr. X. After so much time, you finally fight a wrestler again! How about that?

When you reach the top, you'll finally meet Mr. X sitting in a chair just like in the last time...and he's not alone. He'll send out his new right-hand man, Shiva, after you.

Shiva is just nasty. Throwing him backwards will result in him landing on his feet, and he can throw you out of your own grabs! If he grabs you from the front, you can hit him out of it with the A button. He also has standing kicks, aerial chops, punches, jump kicks, somersaults and slide kicks as well, making him more than a worthy opponent for a penultimate boss.

Mr. X fights the same as he does in the last game: running around, shooting at you, trying to hit you with the butt of his gun. Same strategies from the last game apply: throw enemies at him, walk diagonally into him to grab him, and...this time...use your extended moveset to your advantage!

When you beat him, Adam Hunter is rescued and the city is safe yet again! You did it!

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