Saturday, August 3, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays GG Doraemon: Nora no Suke no Yabou - Part 1 of 4

About time I played a Doraemon game.

World 1-1

Left and Right lets you move left and right, Down lets you duck, and Button 1 jumps. If you hold Up while jumping, you can grab onto ceilings and platforms from underneath. From there, you can hold Up and jump again to pull yourself up a platform, or you can move left and right to shimmy across platforms and ceilings.

The boxes contain power-ups. To open them up, just move into them. The things that look like sandwiches are really candy, and if you pick up five of them in a level without dying, you'll get a 1-Up at the end of the level. The cat collar bell is an extra life that you can get right out of the gate.

The laser pistol lets you shoot a shot with Button 1 that stuns enemies. From there, you can pass by them or more easily jump on them, which you'll need to do to defeat enemies. The two enemies here are robot dogs that slowly move back and forth and occasionally stop to bark at you and the little orange guys that throw projectiles and also spin the drills on their heads. Be careful when fighting enemies, because it is one hit and you're dead. If you have a weapon in your hand, however, you can take an extra hit at the expense of the weapon. Any weapon you have at the end of a level is out of your possession in the next. Also, you have almost no invincibility frames, and if you die, it's back to the start, as the game has no checkpoints.

The thing that looks like a razor gives you temporary invincibility. As long as you are flashing, you can pass through enemies, but you won't damage them when you do.

World 1-2

The bats will move up and down. Watch where they go and jump on them when they come down to your level.

If you jump into a wall, Doraemon will latch on and slowly slide down. You can use Up and Down on the D-Pad to climb, and you can also jump straight up or to the side while latched onto a wall.

The pick-up that looks like a shotgun barrel shoots a blue shot that destroys enemies entirely. It can pass through enemies and take out more than one at a time, too.

Near the end, go right from the platform to find Suneo. The four kids who act as the protagonists as the series are hidden in each world, and you'll get the better ending if you find them all. Rescuing one of the kids also acts as one of the few checkpoints that the game has, so in case you die after this, you'll go back to where you rescued the kid instead of going back to the beginning. The "C" stands for continues, by the way. Also, keep in mind that when you come back from finding one of the kids, enemies will re-spawn.

World 1-3

The one-eyed enemies will stop at regular enemies to jump. If you need to, wait for them to jump, then hit them on the way down.

Besides the sides of the buildings, you'll also be able to climb some pipes to get higher up in the first section of this level.

After that, you'll need to jump off some rooftops before you face your first boss.

World 1-4

The boss is some floating one-eyed robot with hands. Jump on it when it dives towards you as well as when it lowers straight down and then hovers towards you. This boss is as easy as it gets, and it goes down after ten hits.

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