Saturday, August 24, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Game Boy) - Part 1 of 4

Never thought I would be playing a game based on this movie franchise, but I guess there's a first time for everything. In this entry, we cover the first three levels of the game.

The game starts with Whitely White, local reporter, reporting on the adventures of Wilbur Finletter, the protagonist of the first Killer Tomatoes movie and the protagonist of this game. Doctor Gangrene has begun an assault on the world with his killer tomatoes, starting with San Zucchini, where the tomatoes have taken over the city and nearby countryside. As Wilbur Finletter, you are the only one who can stop the attack.

Level 1

Left and Right let you move around, and Down lets you duck. You jump with the B button and attack with A, which is the reverse of what A and B usually do in side-scrolling platformers. Holding Up while jumping lets you jump slightly higher. Pressing just A lets you kick, but holding Down and pressing A lets you do a low kick and Up and A lets you punch. Up and Down let you climb up and down a ladder when in front of him.

Select let you move forward in the direction you're facing on a skateboard to move more quickly. If you press Select in the air, Wilbur open the parachute, assuming you've already found it. It looks like a folded blanked tied up with string. Start lets you throw a sword forward, should you have one, and if you hold Up, you can throw one diagonally into the air.

To pause the game, press Select and Start simultaneously, and press any button to un-pause. Pressing A, B, Select and Start at the same time does a soft reset that takes you back to the title screen.

If you see any numbers in the air, you can pick them up for that amount of points. An X with numbers over it is a bonus multiplier. Multipliers not only multiply the amount of points you get, but also the number of cherry tomatoes you get when you collect one.

Kicking things such as tree stumps, mailbox, garbage can and buckets and other things can spawn items, including tomatoes you can defeat. When in doubt, hit it!

On the bottom of the screen, from left to right, you'll see your current amount of lives (hearts), your current amount of hit points (medals), the number of cherry tomatoes you've collected, your bonus multiplier, your current amount of swords in your possession, the current amount of time you have left, and your current score.

You'll need to attack rocks to get them out of your way. If a rock has enough space to move, it will roll forward. Do not touch a rolling rock, as it will cost you a hit point.

Tomatoes will spawn from out of nowhere. Pay attention to how they move before attacking or jumping on them. When you beat up a tomato, two cherry tomatoes will pop out. Collect them to get closer to an extra life (which requires 100 to get). If a cherry tomatoes bounces around on the screen for too long, it will turn back into an enemy tomato and you will have to defeat it again.

Certain parts of the ground as well as tree branches act as trampolines. If you hold A before leaping off of them, you'll bounce up higher.

Stationary cloud platforms are bouncy and will bounce you upwards if you leap on them. The moving ones do not, but they make rather nice moving platforms.

Whatever you do, do not pick up any flashing cherry tomatoes. You'll lose ten cherry tomatoes if you do.

Hearts give you extra lives, and medals give you extra hit points. Losing all your hit points will cost you a life, as will falling into a bottomless pit or running out of time. If that happens, you'll be taken back to the beginning of the level, as checkpoints do not exist in this game.

The can with the tomato on it is the tomato can, and you'll need to collect this before you can use the exit and go to the next level.

Some platforms will fall apart and disappear when you step or jump on them, so be careful. Speaking of platforms, the bridge is rickety and will fall apart, and you'll also want to watch out for the flying bat-like enemy as you make your way to the exit. Once you have the tomato can, jump onto the tree stump at the end and hold Down to climb into the tree stump to the next level.

Level 2

In this level, you'll be in the city.

Jumping through or attacking windows will break them and sometimes give you items.

Watch out for tomatoes with sombreros, as they can spit fire at you while moving back and forth.

The poles hanging out from the edges of buildings act as trampolines if you leap off the edges of them. Awnings can also act as trampolines.

The lighting bolt gives you temporary invincibility.

There is a hidden trampoline directly underneath the tomato can; use it to get back to solid ground after getting the can.

Level 3

Wilbur Finletter has made it to his own pizza parlor, which is now swarming with tomatoes.

Jumping into the fans will hurt you. If you run into the pizza making machine, you'll be turned into a pizza, and you may fall into a pit with help from the nearby conveyor belts.

Be careful with some platforms as you make your way through this maze of a pizza platform, as some parts of platforms and tables can collapse when you step or jump onto them.

You'll need to kick a pot shortly after the start to get the tomato can. Be sure to kick pots whenever possible for enemies to defeat as well as medals and swords.

The pizza pans act just like the rocks. If you kick one into motion, don't move into it or else you'll take a hit.

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